Special Issue “Industrial Big Data and Process Modelling for Smart Manufacturing

Dear Colleague, The Open Access journal Mathematics (ISSN2227-7390; IF 1.747) is currently running a Special Issue “IndustrialBig Data and Process Modelling for Smart Manufacturing”: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/mathematics/special_issues/Industrial_Big_Data_... We (Prof. Hatem Ghorbel, University of Applied Sciences and ArtsWestern Switzerland; Prof. Stefano Carrino, University of Applied Sciences andArts Western Switzerland; Dr. Ivana Budinská, Institute of Informatics SlovakAcademy of Sciences, Slovakia; Prof. Vicente Rodríguez Montequín, University ofOviedo, Spain) are serving as its Guest Editor. All of us are currently takingpart of one of the CHIST-ERA projects funded underthe Big data and process modelling for smart industry (BDSI) call.The topics included in the special issue are aligned with this call, as well asother calls like Object recognition and manipulation by robots: Datasharing and experiment reproducibility (ORMR). We cordially invite you to submit one feature paper to the SpecialIssue. It could be a full review or an original research article. We will behonored if you are able to participate. The submission deadline is 31 October 2021. You maysubmit your manuscript now or up until the deadline. If you plan to submit, ifpossible, we expect to receive your tentative title and submission date. Adiscount over the article processing charge may be considered according to therelevance of the paper and submission date. Don’t hesitate to contact me forfurther details. Yours faithfully, Prof. Hatem Ghorbel University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland Social Network of Machines (SOON) Project Coordinator Project funded under the CHIST-ERA BDSI call
participants (1)
Barna Iantovics