fully funded 4-year phd studentship - functional network analysis of EEG (application deadline next monday - 14th December!

A fully-funded 4-year phd studentship (start date: October 2016) is available at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, to work in the School of Psychology EEG Laboratory with Dr Kevin Allan and Professor Bjoern Schelter. Please note the tight deadline for applications: Monday, 14th December! The position is open to UK/EU nationals only. More details below (or see http://www.abdn.ac.uk/clsm/graduate/research/psychological-states-1135.php) If you are interested, and want to find out more, please get in touch with me (Kevin Allan, k.allan@abdn.ac.uk). Title: Investigating functional brain networks and psychological states in real-time We are looking for a highly numerate individual, ideally one experienced with EEGlab, matlab, mathematica or R, to help us implement a novel EEG network analysis tool, and then test it in a series of studies examining encoding and retrieval networks involved in episodic memory. The project is a cross-disciplinary collaboration between Dr Allan, a cognitive neuroscientist based in the Aberdeen School of Psychology, and Prof. Schelter, a physicist based in the Aberdeen Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology. The project also has the backing of an industrial partner, Tau-Rx, a University of Aberdeen spinout company working on pharmacological treatments for dementia, and the student will be offered a substantial placement with Tau-Rx during their PhD where the opportunity will be given to apply skills learned to estimate functional network structure in patients and healthy controls from clinical EEG data. A key element of the project is to optimise and implement a new, highly efficient network analysis tool to perform Granger causality analysis upon data as it is being collected, and to display the outputs of the model within a bespoke visualisation tool. This will require training in the matlab and mathematica software packages, EEG data collection hardware and software, as well as the mathematical basis of the analysis, all of which will be provided by Dr Allan, Prof. Schelter and their post-docs. The EEG Lab in the School of Psychology contains all the necessary EEG recording hardware, software and expertise to support the project. In years 2 - 4 the student will receive further scientific and business-related training during a placement with the industrial partner, Tau-Rx. During their placement the student will be given the opportunity to work with a team of researchers involved in the analysis of EEG data from clinical trials of drug therapies for Alzheimer's and fronto-temporal dementia. The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683. Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir. SC013683.
participants (1)
Allan, Dr Kevin