research fellow: open and reproducible science core facility

We have an open research fellow position (salary at post-doctoral level) for 3+2 years at the Neuroimaging Unit of Uni Oldenburg for the development of tools and infrastructure for open data data and reproducible science based on the BIDS standard. The position complemented by a full time technician position for support. The announcement is below. Please contact me if you have questions. The application deadline is March 12th We are looking forward to applications, Jochem *Scientific Research Associate m/f/d* *(Salary level E13 TVL, 100%)* ** for the development of acquisition, storage and processing pipelines for open and reproducible science building on the BIDS standard. In a newly funded project we aim to implement data storage and processing pipelines for open and reproducible science based on the BIDS standard. The successful candidate is expected to actively contribute to the implementation of neuroscience data acquisition, storage, and reproducible analysis pipelines building on the BIDS standard at the University of Oldenburg, to contribute to community efforts and dissemination. Candidates are expected to have an academic university degree (Master or equivalent) in the field of informatics, engineering, neuroscience or psychology and have shown their ability to perform excellent scientific work, e.g. demonstrated by an excellent publication record. Prior experience with the BIDS standard as well as its programming, experience with neuroimaging techniques and data analysis (especially fMRI or MEG/EEG) and fluency in English is required. Experience with open science tools and databases, other neurophysiological modalities, as well as knowlegde of German are desirable. The position is embedded in a DFG Core Facility grant and is availableas soon as possibleuntil30^th of September^.2023 (with the possibility to extend another two years after successful project evaluation). The position is suitable for part-time work. The Neuroimaging Unit hosts a state of the art MEG (Elekta Triux) and an MRI (Siemens Prisma 3T) and is embedded in an excellent interdisciplinary scientific environment with a strong research focus on neurosensory, neurocognitive, and medical research. The University of Oldenburg is dedicated to increase the percentage of female employees in the field of science. Therefore, female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. In accordance to § 21 Section 3 NHG, female candidates with equal qualifications will be preferentially considered. Applicants with disabilities will be given preference in case of equal qualification. Please send your application including a cover letter, CV, list of potential referees, links to recent publications and copies of certificates for academic grades to Prof. Jochem Rieger, Department of Psychology, University of Oldenburg, 26111 Oldenburg, Germany ( <>). Electronic applications (*one*pdf file) are preferred. For inquiries please use the same contact. The application deadline is*12^th of**March 2021*. -- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jochem Rieger Head of Applied Neurocognitive Psychology head of Neuroimaging Unit Faculty VI Carl-von-Ossietzky University 26111 Oldenburg Germany Phone: +49(0)4417984533 Fax: +49(0)4417983865
participants (1)
Jochem Rieger