Announcement of Conference Net-works 2015

Dear Colleagues This is the first announcement for participation in the 7th International conference on Complex Networks and their Interdisciplinary Applications, Net-works 2015, which will be held in Granada (Spain) from September 16th to September 18th 2015 (Please follow the link below for further information) As in previous editions, this conference is devoted to present and exchange the latest results concerning the theory and application of complex networks in different aspects of nature, society and technology. In the last years, there was an increasing interest of the computational neuroscience community in the study of the features of the complex networks underlying the structure of actual neural systems, and how these features influence their emergent behavior. For this reason, the organizing committee of Net-works 2015 encourages computational neuroscientists interested in this research topic to attend and participate in this conference. The program of Net-Works 2015 includes a set of invited plenary talks from very well- known experts in the field of complex networks, a number to be determined of talks selected from the received abstracts and one or two poster sessions. Tentative list of key-note speakers: -Ginestra Bianconi School of Mathematics. Queen Mary University of London, UK -Stefano Boccaletti Institute for Complex Systems, CNR, Italy -Shlomo Havlin Bar-Ilan University, Israel -Jürgen KurthsPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany -Miguel A. Muñoz Institute Carlos I for Theoretical and Computational Physics, U. Granada, Spain Important dates for abstract submission and registration follows: Abstract submission: May 22th 2015 Contribution acceptance: June 15th 2015 Early registration (with a reduction of the registration fee): before September 15th, 2015. Abstracts (with a maximum of 250 words) must be submitted to the e-mail address below: It is a pleasure for me to kindly invite you to participate in Net-Works 2015. We look forward to seeing you in Granada! Joaquin J. Torres General Chair Net-Works 2015 International Conference Please visit the conference web page for further information:
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