Summer school on Advanced Computational Neuroscience, Germany

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Advanced COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE Summer School in Göttingen, Germany “Neural circuit theories for primate cognition” September 02nd - 10th, 2017 *REGISTRATION **DEADLINE *Ju**ly**2**3**, 201**7**** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Please, feel free to distribute this email to students and postdocs potentially interested in the school. The aCNS school within the Advanced Computational Neuroscience School in the Emotion-Cognition-Link-Series is a *9**-day intensive course* in *mathematical and computational neuroscience*. It offers an intensive pedagogy of advanced mathematical and computational tools to students working in computational neuroscience and already familiar with its interdisciplinary nature and is designed to qualify young researchers to push the frontiers of the field. The following researchers are in charge of the 4 two-day theoretical blocks and 4 evening lectures: * Nicolas Brunel <>, /University of Chicago/, Chicago, USA * Alexander Gail <>, /German Primate Center/, Göttingen, Germany * Raoul Memmesheimer <>, /University of Bonn/, Bonn, Germany * John Beggs <>, /University of //Indiana/, Bloomington, USA * Julia Fischer <>, /German Primate Center/, Göttingen, Germany * Eckart Altenmüller <>, /University for Music and Theater/, Hanover, Germany * Annekathrin Schacht <>, /University of Göttingen/, Göttingen, Germany * Georg Martius <>, /M//PI//for Intelligent Systems/, Tübingen, Germany The consecutive two day thematic blocks are dedicated to mathematical approaches to circuit dynamics. Each lecturer will give a self-contained introduction to a particular set of theoretical tools in a block of two morning lectures. In the afternoon, participants will work on problem sets designed to develop proficiency in both the mathematical and computational tools learned earlier that day. An additional set of evening ‘easy’ lectures will give the opportunity to discuss significant advances in the field. The course takes place at the Department of Nonlinear Dynamics of the Max-Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen. Registration fee is 200 €. Course language is English. Housing is provided by the school. Travel grants can be applied for. *Only 15 participants will accepted. We invite applicants to apply by filling out the application form at:* ** <> *and have their reference letters submitted by *July 23, 2017*.* Best regards and looking forward to seeing you in Göttingen, B. Feulner, D. Regel, A. Schmidt and J. Wilting (local committee, PhD students) on behalf of the course directors Prof. F. Wolf and Prof. A. Schacht
participants (1)
Alexander Schmidt