'la Caixa' INPhINIT PhD opportunity at MCEN/BCAM and UChicago on neuron-glial connectomics

Dear colleagues, please share with whoever could be interested and forward to your department mailing lists. PhD project : Structure and function of the glial connectome. Lab / Host institution : Group of Mathematical, Computational and Experimental Neuroscience (MCEN) at the Basque Center of Applied Mathematics (BCAM). Supervisors : Maurizio De Pittà (BCAM), SerafimRodrigues (BCAM), Narayanan Kasthuri (The University of Chicago, and Argonne National Labs). Location : Bilbao, The Basque Country, Spain. Duration : 3 years. Stipend : 30k+ EUR/year + mobility allowance. Starting date : May—Oct 2019 (negotiable). Award type: Preselection + competitive call. Categories: Incoming (for international students not living in Spain at the time of the call) and Retaining (for Spanish students) Preselection deadline: January 13th, 2019 (incoming); February 9th, 2019 (retaining). Application deadlines: February 6th, 2019 (incoming); February 27th, 2019 (retaining) (more details: https://goo.gl/HZCPxp) Scientific background : Neurons of the brain form complex circuits, connecting each other by means of synapses. The structure of these circuits is believed to closely relate with their function. Accordingly, mapping the architecture of neural circuits of the brain, otherwise known as the brain’s neuronal connectome, is a prominent area of investigation of modern neuroscience. In parallel, there is growing awareness that glial cells such as astrocytes, could modulate the physical structure of the neuronal connectome. Astrocytes indeed form barriers to neuronal connectivity and regulate synapse formation and deletion, but they could also modulate neuronal signal transmission in the extracellular space, along with structure and dynamics of synapses. In addition, astrocytes contact hundreds of thousand synapses, and are also connected in complex networks. This suggests that understanding the neuronal connectome should also include neuron-astrocyte interactions and thus mapping of the associated glial connectome in terms of synapse-astrocyte and astrocyte-astrocyte connections. Workplan : The candidate will be part of an international team of researchers within the framework of the Open Connectome Project (https://neurodata.io/). She/He will deploy mathematical tools borrowed from graph theory, statistical analysis, machine learning and algebraic topology to analyze big data sets from 3D electron microscopy of cortical tissue of rodent’s brain to seek the first map of astrocytic connections with synapses at subcellular spatial resolution. In parallel the candidate will develop expertise in modeling of complex heterogeneous cell networks of neurons and astrocytes, to explore potential functional relevance of specific synapse-astrocyte circuits and motifs in neuron-glial networks. Working environment : The candidate will be based in Bilbao (Spain) where she/he will work under the supervision of Drs. Maurizio De Pittà and Serafim Rodrigues at the Group of Mathematical, Computational and Experimental Neuroscience at the Basque Center of Applied Mathematics (BCAM). In addition, the candidate will also collaborate with and be supervised by Dr. Narayanan “Bobby” Kasthuri at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Labs (USA), where she/he will spend regular periods of time during her/his graduate training. Dr. De Pittà is a leading expert on computational modeling of neuron-glia interactions, with an experience in computational neuroscience of 10+ years who recently joined the MCEN group at BCAM as « Junior Leader » fellow with a start-up grant supported by la Caixa Banking Foundation. The MCEN group is a rapidly growing team led by Ikerbasque Professor Serafim Rodrigues, that was established in 2016 as part of the strategic research portfolio enacted by the Basque Country to foster interdisciplinary research in Neuroscience. Dr. Kasthuri is one of the leading experts in modern connectomics, who has pioneered large volume automated electron microscopy for mapping neuronal connections and synchrotron source X-ray microscopy to map the cellular composition of entire brains. BCAM is one of the Severo Ochoa’s excellence centers for scientific research in Spain and it provides an exeptionally fertile international environment for professional development and enriching scientific collaborations. Bilbao, as the capital of the Basque Country in Spain, is a vibrant, friendly city with one of the highest standards of life quality in Spain. Requirements : -- Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, or related fields. -- Excellent English skills (oral and written). – Experience in machine learning and/or statistical analysis and/or topology or algebraic topology. -- Programming skills in Matlab, Python and C/C++. -- High motivation for interdisciplinary research with strong interests for biological details and an analytic mindset. – Capacity to meet deadlines and outstanding propensity to work in an international dynamic environment. -- Essential knowledge of neuroscience and graph theory is preferred but not required. Additional notes : This is a cutting-edge project that ideally matches with outstanding and creative candidates, with a strong motivation for international collaborations, mobility, and independence. The candidate will work on the project full-time and no part-time agreements will be taken into consideration. Application process : The INPhINIT PhD Fellowship Program by la Caixa Banking Foundation is the most prestigious PhD fellowship program running in Spain. The program is highly competitive and offers unequalled training an financial support to its fellow. The ideal successful candidate should have an outstanding educational background and rank among the 5% best of his/her class. Candidates who are interested in the advertised PhD project, must first send a CV with letter of motivation (max 2 pages) to Drs. De Pittà (mdepitta@bcamath.org) and Kasthuri (bobbykasthuri@uchicago.edu) for review and preselection. Preselections are open now till January 13, 2019 (for incoming candidates) and February 3rd, 2019 (for retaining candidates). Specify as mail object: “INPhINIT PhD Project Application”. Relevant References: De Pittà et al., Astrocytes: orchestrating synaptic plasticity?, Neuroscience, 2015, 323:43. Katshuri et al., Saturated reconstruction of a volume of neocortex, Cell, 2015, 162 :648 Relevant links: Official call by BCAM: https://goo.gl/Vq8mto INPhINIT: https://goo.gl/d761sP BCAM homepage: https://goo.gl/ENSBAo Maurizio De Pittà: https://goo.gl/pJXEYJ Narayanan “Bobby” Kasthuri: https://goo.gl/pYmv2w Open Connectome Project: https://neurodata.io/ ----- Maurizio De Pitta' Research Fellow MCEN -- Group of Mathematical, Computational and Experimental Neuroscience BCAM -- Basque Center of Applied Mathematics https://sites.google.com/site/mauriziodepitta/home
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Maurizio De Pitta