Extended deadline: KogWis2022 | 15th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society

Deadline extended to May 16th, 2022. Event: The 15th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society, KogWis2022 Theme: Understanding Minds Date: 5.-7. September 2022 Location: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany Host: Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg Web: https://www.kogwis2022.uni-freiburg.de/ +++ The Call for Papers is now open (deadline: May 9th, 2022) : https://www.kogwis2022.uni-freiburg.de/picturesandstuff/call-for-papers-kogw... +++ The Call for Tutorials is now open (deadline: May 9th, 2022): https://www.kogwis2022.uni-freiburg.de/picturesandstuff/call-for-tutorials-k... Abstract: The 15. biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society (KogWis2022) will take place from 5.-7. September 2022 in Freiburg i.Br., Germany, organized by the Center for Cognitive Science. The theme “Understanding Minds” reflects two perspectives: The conference provides a forum for all topics in the study of how minds – both human and artificial – operate. The theme also puts a specific spotlight on how cognitive systems make sense of the world, in particular in language comprehension and communication. Confirmed keynote speakers are: Dedre Gentner, Northwestern University, Illinois (USA) Seana Coulson, University of California, San Diego (USA) Marcel Brass, Humboldt-University, Berlin (D) Matthew Crocker, Saarland University, Saarbrücken (D) Further information is available on the conference website: www.kogwis2022.uni-freiburg.de. For any inquiries please use the conference e-mail-address: kogwis2022@cognition.uni-freiburg.de. With kind regards - The Organising Committee Evelyn Ferstl, Lars Konieczny, Rul von Stülpnagel, Judith Beck, Lisa Zacharski
participants (1)
Constantin Rothkopf