6th Baltic-Nordic School on Neuroinformatics (BNNI 2018)

6th Baltic-Nordic School on Neuroinformatics BNNI 2018 Understanding the Brain: from Neuroscience to Deep Learning Don't miss the extended application deadline: 12 April 2018: Application deadline (extended) 15 April 2018: Acceptance notification 11-13 June 2018: School See more information and applications at: web.lsmuni.lt/bnni2018/en<http://web.lsmuni.lt/bnni2018/en> Place: Ventspils University of Applied Sciences Inženieru 101, Ventspils Latvia Time: 11-13 June 2018 We invite advanced master students, doctoral students, and postdoctoral researchers to participate in the BNNI 2018 to be held at the Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, Ventspils, Latvia in June 2018. The course is interdisciplinary and covers modeling at different levels of organization of the brain. Additionally this year's training course is planned more diverse and will include also EEG/SEEG signal processing techniques, forward and inverse modeling of the brain and various aspects of deep learning algorithms. This school is the sixth in the series of the Baltic-Nordic Courses on Neuroinformatics (BNNI 2013 in Kaunas, Lithuania; BNNI 2014 in Tampere, Finland; BNNI 2015 in Tartu, Estonia; BNNI 2016 in Warsaw, Poland, BNNI 2017 in Kaunas, Lithuania). The target audience of the course will be advanced master students, doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers in biomedical and technology sciences, from medicine, biology, psychology, to mathematics, informatics, information technology, physics, chemistry, who would like to get an introduction to neuroinformatics and computational neuroscience. Some experience with programming and quantitative reasoning as well as strong interest in computational and mathematical modeling of the brain will be desirable but not necessary to benefit from the school. Last year we had participants from 14 countries all over the world! Faculty includes: Marja-Leena Linne, Tampere University of Technology, Finland; The Human Brain Project Bruce Graham, University of Stirling, UK Daniel Wojcik, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland Arnd Roth, University College London, UK Peter Jedlicka, NeuroScience Center, Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany Gaute Einevoll, UiO Department of Physics The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Norway Ausra Saudargiene, Neuroscience Institute, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania Radu Ranta, CRAN, University of Lorraine, France Louis Maillard, CHRU Hôpital central - Nancy, CRAN, University of Lorraine, France Janis Hofmanis, Smart Technology Research Center, Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, Ventspils, Latvia and others. Venue The lectures will be held at the Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, Inženieru 101, Ventspils, Latvia. Practical arrangements There is a small tuition fee of 50 euros. The organizers will provide teaching materials, meals and coffee during the course. The participants are expected to cover their travel and health insurance expenses as well as lodging. Although Student accommodation will be available at a reduced cost. Ventspils University of Applied Sciences can provide a student dormitory rooms - 2 students per room, 2 rooms per block. One block costs 51 EUR (12,75 EUR for one person per night). We are looking forward to welcome you at the BNNI 2018 in Ventspils, Latvia!
participants (1)
Marja-Leena Linne