2022 Western Academy for Advanced Research Postdoctoral Competition

The Western Academy for Advanced Research<https://uwo.ca/academy/index.html> is launching a competition for highly motivated postdoctoral researchers<https://uwo.ca/academy/themes/neural_networks/2022_postdoctoral_competition....> at the interface of mathematical modeling and neuroscience. Successful candidates will join a new, research-intensive program at Western University. The Western Academy’s opening Theme will develop connections between mathematics and neuroscience, leveraging mathematical approaches to answer open questions in neuroscience. Motivated postdoctoral candidates are encouraged to submit application materials, including a CV, short research statement, and contact information for three academic references, to Lyle Muller (lmuller2@uwo.ca<mailto:lmuller2@uwo.ca>) and Ján Mináč (minac@uwo.ca<mailto:minac@uwo.ca>). Postdocs will receive competitive stipends and support for their academic careers. Review of applications will begin 15 July 2022. Both our group and the University are deeply committed to fostering diversity in the sciences. Applications from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged, and any interested applicants can write the PIs directly with questions about the research environment. -- Lyle Muller http://mullerlab.ca
participants (1)
Lyle Muller