[meetings] CRNS Talk Series (7) - Live Talk by Dr. Harold Soh - The National University of Singapore (NUS) - Singapore

Dear All * *Apologies for cross-posting* * The* Center for Robotics and Neural Systems* (CRNS) is pleased to announce the talk of *Dr. **Harold Soh* from the* National University of Singapore (NUS)* - Singapore on Wednesday, *May 4th *from *11:00 am *to *12:30 pm* (*London time*) over *Zoom*.
*Events*: The CRNS talk series will cover a wide range of topics including social and cognitive robotics, computational neuroscience, computational linguistics, cognitive vision, machine learning, AI, and applications to autism. More details are available here:
https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/research/robotics-neural-systems/whats-on <https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.plymou...>
*Link for the next event (No Registration is Required)*:
Join Zoom Meeting https://plymouth.zoom.us/j/97464558182?pwd=WW92MGFGb1BvOWVEZlN0ajZRbGdTUT09&...
*Title of the talk*: Human Models for Trust and Communication
*Abstract*: At CLeAR, we believe human models are crucial for fluent human-robot collaboration. When coupled with planning/learning, human models enable robots to display intelligent interactive behavior. However, crafting good human models remains difficult. In this talk, we’ll discuss facets of human modeling, starting with our efforts in capturing human trust in the robot. We’ll discuss a perspective that views trust as function learning and the impact this has in multi-task scenarios. Next, we will cover MIRROR, a new approach to quickly learn human models that are useful for (communication) planning. MIRROR is inspired by social projection theory, which hypothesizes that humans use self-models to understand others. In a similar manner, MIRROR leverages robot self-models learned using RL to bootstrap human modeling. We will examine how MIRROR performs relative to state-of-the-art methods using simulations and a human-subjects study. Finally, we’ll discuss how MIRROR can be extended towards real-time human-robot collaboration, and take a broader perspective of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me,
Regards ---------------- *Dr. Amir Aly* Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Center for Robotics and Neural Systems (CRNS) School of Engineering, Computing, and Mathematics Room B332, Portland Square, Drake Circus, PL4 8AA University of Plymouth, UK
participants (1)
Amir Aly