*Dates May 23rd, 2018 to May 25th, 2018 * *Place LEIBNIZ INSTITUT FOR NEUROBIOLOGY, Magdeburg, Germany * About the Event The Fourth international conference on the FUNCTIONAL ARCHITECTURE OF MEMORY May 23th to 25th 2018 (Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg - Germany) is organized by Prof. Dr. M. Sauvage. The FAM conference aims at bringing new insights on today's major controversies in recognition memory by bridging human and animal memory function. Twenty of the world-leading experts on the medial temporal lobe and memory function will discuss findings obtained using behavioral, imaging, electrophysiological, mutagenesis and computational techniques. The conference will start by a 5min blitz session that attendants are welcome to contribute to, and a “speakers/students-only brainstorming session” takes place each day. The number of participants is limited to 100 (first-come first-served basis) and registration can be made at https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/philosophy/famconference/# FAM conference Speakers: Jozsef Csicsvari (IST, Austria) Emrah Düzel (DZNE, Germany) Paul Frankland (Sickkids Toronto, Canada) James Knierim (Johns Hopkins Univ., USA) Pierre Lavenex (Lauzanne univ., Switzerland) Stefan Leutgeb (UC San Diego, USA) Thomas McHugh (RIKEN, Japan) Shane OMara (Trinity College, Ireland) Charan Ranganath (UC Davis, USA) Magdalena Sauvage (LIN, Germany) Steven Siegelbaum (Columbia U, USA) Wendy Suzuki (New York University, USA) Clea Warburton (Bristol University, UK) Thomas Wolbers (DZNE, Germany) Menno Witter (Kavli Institute, Norway) Motoharu Yoshida (DZNE, Germany) Contact Laura Montero Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Functional Architecture of Memory Dpt Brenneckestrasse, 6 39118 Magdeburg Germany Phone: +49-391-6263-94531 Email: <http://www.fens.org/News-Activities/Calendar/Meetings/2018/05/4th-FUNCTIONAL...> 4thfamconference@gmail.com Website: https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/philosophy/famconference/#
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Laura Montero