In-vivo two-photon imaging of synaptic proteins_Postdoc opportunity in Australia

Dear colleagues, There is an exciting postdoc opportunity to investigate the molecular basis of memory formation in the lab of Dr. Patricio Opazo and Dr. Victor Anggono at the Queensland Brain Institute in Brisbane, Australia. The project will involve implementing a visual discrimination go/no go task in awake mice under the two-photon microscope to visualize the dynamics of synaptic proteins during learning and memory in the visual cortex. For more information about this position please contact Dr Patricio Opazo on email<>. or Apply directly at the University of Queensland Jobs search here: Kind regards, Pato ********************************************************** Patricio Opazo, PhD Group Leader Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research Queensland Brain Institute The University of Queensland Building 79, Upland Rd Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia T +61 7 3443 2485 M +61 (0)428 311 510 E W CRICOS code: 00025B [signature_1643568986] The University of Queensland is embracing the Green Office philosophy. Please consider the environment before printing this email. This email (including any attached files) is intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential information of The University of Queensland. If you are not the addressee, you are notified that any transmission, distribution, printing or photocopying of this email is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please delete and notify me. Unless explicitly stated, the opinions expressed in this email do not represent the official position of The University of Queensland.
participants (1)
Patricio Opazo Olavarria