Focus session on sensorimotor circuits at 2016 APS March Meeting

Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract for the next APS March Meeting, and i n particular, for the Focus Session "Physics of Sensorimotor Neural Circuits .” The meeting will take place in Baltimore, MD, on March 14-18, 2016. Abstract submission deadline: November 6, 2015, 5:00pm EST You can submit abstracts for CONTRIBUTED TALKS for this Focus Session and ot hers (see below for a list of session especially relevant to neuroscience). As a session organizer, I’d like to invite you to submit exciting new work o n sensory and/or motor neural systems. The focus session will consist of 2 i nvited talks and ~8 contributed talks. Submission and relevant information is through the APS site: Please note that only APS members (or members of reciprocal societies) can s ubmit the abstracts. You can obtain your membership online. Invited and Focus sessions of relevance to neuroscience will include, among others, 1. Large Scale Neuroscience Projects 2. Theoretical physics and networks of real neurons 3. Inference in Biophysics 4. Principles of Cell-to-Cell communication 5. Brain Morphology and Mechanics: From Cortex Folding to Neuronal Growth to Compression Stiffening 6. Robophysics: physics meets robotics 7. Physics of sensorimotor neural circuits 8. Neural control of behavior 9. Maximum entropy models: a promising link between statistical physics, inf erence, and biology 10. Critical transitions in biological systems Some of the invited speakers include: Vijay Balasubramanian (U Pennsylvania) William Bialek (Princeton U) Gwyneth Card (Janelia Farm) David van Essen (Washington U, St. Loius) Adrienne Fairhall (U Washington) Surya Ganguli (Stanford U) Mark Goldman (UC Davis) Alexei Koulakov (CSHL) Thierry Mora (ENS) Stephanie Palmer (U Chicago) Hanchuan Peng (Allen Institute) Elad Schneidman (Hebrew U) Terry Sejnowski (Salk Institute) Naftali Tishby (Hebrew U) Gasper Tkacik (IST Austria) and others. We are now accepting abstract submissions for contributed talks on a broad range of topics on the intersection of physics and neuroscience, such as quantitative experimental protocols, modeling of neural dynamics, analysis of collective computation in neural circuits, and others. Best Regards, Tatyana Tatyana O. Sharpee, PhD Associate Professor Helen McLoraine Developmental Chair Computational Neurobiology Laboratory Salk Institute for Biological Studies La Jolla, CA 92037
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Tatyana Sharpee