CFP COMPLEX NETWORKS 2023 Menton Riviera France November 28 - 30, 2023

12 th International Conference on Complex Networks & Their Applications Menton Riviera<>, France November 28 - 30, 2023 COMPLEX NETWORKS 2023<> You are cordially invited to submit your contribution until September 02, 2023. SPEAKERS ● Michael Bronstein<> University of Oxford UK ● Kathleen Carley<> Carnegie Mellon University USA ● Manlio De Domenico<> University of Padua Italy ● Danai Koutra<> University of Michigan USA ● Romualdo Pastor-Satorras<> Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya Spain ● Tao Zhou<> USTC China TUTORIALS ● Tiago de Paula Peixoto<> CEU Vienna Austria ● Maria Liakata<> Queen Mary University of London UK PUBLICATION Full papers (not previously published up to 12 pages) and Extended Abstracts (about published or unpublished research up to 4 pages) are welcome. ● Papers will be included in the conference proceedings edited by Springer ● Extended abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts (with ISBN) Extended versions will be invited for publication in special issues of international journals: o Applied Network Science<> edited by Springer o Advances in Complex Systems<> edited by World Scientific o Complex Systems <> o Entropy<> edited by MDPI o PLOS one<> o Social Network Analysis and Mining<> edited by Springer SUBMISSION TOPICS Topics include, but are not limited to: * Models of Complex Networks * Structural Network Properties and Analysis * Epidemics * Community Structure * Motifs * Network Mining * Network embedding * Machine learning with graphs * Dynamics and Evolution Patterns of Complex Networks * Link Prediction * Multilayer Networks * Controllability * Synchronization * Visual Representation * Large-scale Graph Analytics * Social Reputation, Influence, and Trust * Information Spreading in Social Media * Rumour and Viral Marketing in Social Networks * Recommendation Systems * Financial and Economic Networks * Mobility * Biological and Technological Networks * Mobile call Networks * Bioinformatics * Earth Sciences Applications * Resilience and Robustness of Complex Networks * Networks for Physical Infrastructures * Networks, Smart Cities and Smart Grids * Political networks * Supply chain networks * Complex networks and information systems * Complex networks and CPS/IoT * Graph signal processing * Cognitive Network Science * Network Medicine * Network Neuroscience * Quantifying success through network analysis * Temporal and spatial networks * Historical Networks * Graph-Based Natural Language Processing GENERAL CHAIRS Hocine Cherifi (University of Burgundy, France) Luis M. Rocha (Binghamton University, USA) --- Dr Fabian Braesemann Departmental Research Lecturer in AI & Work Oxford Internet Institute University of Oxford Publicity Co-Chair 12th International Conference on Complex Networks & Their Applications 28 - 30 November, 2023, French Riviera, France<> +44 7731 700 704 Google Scholar<> | LinkedIn<> Oxford Internet Institute University of Oxford 1 St Giles Oxford, OX1 3JS
participants (1)
Fabian Braesemann