Fourth International Workshop on Intrinsically-Motivated Open-endedLearning (IMOL2019)

Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the “Fourth International Workshop on Intrinsically-Motivated Open-endedLearning (IMOL2019)”, which will be held at Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) in Frankfurt (Germany) on 1-2-3 July 2019. The organizers of IMOL 2019 will be - Vieri Giuliano Santucci (ISTC – CNR, Rome) - Kathryn Merrick (University of New South Wales, Canberra) - Jochen Triesch (FIAS, Frankfurt) - Gianluca Baldassarre (ISTC – CNR, Rome) Following three previous editions, the highly focused “Fourth International Workshop on Intrinsically-Motivated Open-ended Learning (IMOL2019)” aims to further explore the promise of intrinsically motivated open-ended lifelong learning. The workshop aims to be a highly interactive event with high-profile keynote presentations (see list of confirmed invited speakers at the end of this message). It will foster close interaction among the participants by discussions, poster sessions, and collective round tables directed toward specific objectives. Participation in the workshop is free of charge but limited to a restricted number of participants. Prospective attendees should express their interest by submitting a brief statement on their motivations to participate, their research interests, and their willingness (or not) to contribute with a poster. The submission should be made by following the instructions at before the deadline of May, 17th. Both senior and early career researchers, including PhD students, are encouraged to submit to ensure a full representation of the community. Topics of interest involve open-ended lifelong learning in autonomous agents and robots, for example: - Autonomous robots lifelong learning - Multi-task reinforcement learning - Deep reinforcement learning - Intrinsic motivations - Curriculum learning - Goal self-generation - Multiple task solution and parameterized skills - Neural/probabilistic representations and abstractions - Architectures for open-ended learning - Goal-based skill learning - Knowledge transfer and avoidance of catastrophic forgetting - Compositionality and chunking - Hierarchies of goals and skills - Mitigating risks of real-world deployment of open-ended learning systems List of confirmed invited speakers - Luc Berthouze - Marc Bellemare - Bruno Castro da Silva - Stephane Doncieux - Kenji Doya - Richard Duro - Verena Hafner - Matej Hoffman - Petar Kormushev - Georg Martius - Yukie Nagai - Nicolás Navarro-Guerrero - Kevin O'Regan - Matthias Rolf - Elmar Rueckert - Bertram E. Shi - Olivier Sigaud - Jochen Steil - Freek Stulp - Céline Teulière - Emre Ugur (more TBC) -- Prof. Dr. Jochen Triesch Johanna Quandt Research Professor Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies Tel: +49 (0)69 798-47531 Fax: +49 (0)69 798-47611
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Jochen Triesch