PhD fellowships in computational neuroscience at the FMI in Basel, Switzerland

The FMI PhD program now welcomes applications in computational neuroscience. Submission deadline is the 16th of November 2018. The FMI PhD program offers students the opportunity to carry out cutting-edge research in a stimulating, highly international and collaborative atmosphere. Affiliated with the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research and the University of Basel in Switzerland, the FMI provides interdisciplinary training and access to state-of-the-art technology platforms and high-performance computing facilities. Several research groups at the FMI offer exciting PhD projects for students with a computational background. PhD students whose primary interest is in computational neuroscience, will be able to join a new group led by Friedemann Zenke which focuses on memory formation and information processing in biologically inspired neural network models. Students will have the opportunity to directly collaborate with experimental groups in system neuroscience at the FMI ( A wide range of theoretical and practical courses are available at both the FMI and the University of Basel. After completion of their thesis work, students are awarded a PhD from the University of Basel. Candidates should be curious about the neural underpinnings of computation and learning, have a strong analytical and quantitative background, and hold a relevant first degree in, for instance, computer science, engineering, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, psychology, or statistics. Funding is available regardless of current residence and nationality. Applications should be submitted online via Additional information PhD program: Zenke group (from 2019): Neurobiology groups: For questions, please contact Elida Keller ( -- Friedemann Zenke, PhD Sir Henry Wellcome Fellow Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour University of Oxford Tinsley Building Mansfield Road Oxford OX1 3SR United Kingdom
participants (1)
Friedemann Zenke