PhD in Mathematical modelling of neuronal activity in the nucleus reuniens: a thalamic region contributing to mammalian cognitive processing.

EPSRC funded PhD in Mathmatics: Mathematical modelling of neuronal activity in the nucleus reuniens: a thalamic region contributing to mammalian cognitive processing. Ref: 2047 About the award This project is one of a number which are funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Training Partnership to commence in September, 2016. The studentships will provide funding for a stipend (currently £14,057 per annum for 2015/16), research costs of £3,000 and UK/EU tuition fees at Research Council rates for 3.5 years. Location: Streatham Campus, University of Exeter, EX4 4QJ Primary supervisor: Dr Ozgur Akman<> Secondary supervisors: Professor Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova (University of Exeter), Professor Andrew Randall (University of Exeter) The production of action potentials is a defining feature of the functional physiology of all excitable cells. Typically, only after firing a spike will a cell perform its task and, furthermore, the rate, timing and patterns of spike generation have important effects on the nature of the downstream events they trigger, for example neurotransmitter release. Hence, quantifying the characteristic features of action potential production in neurons is crucial in helping us to understand the normal functional physiology of nervous systems, as well as how these are altered during pathological conditions associated with disease. Based within the EPSRC Centre for Predictive Modelling in Healthcare, a £2M initiative bringing together mathematicians, statisticians and clinicians, you will work on a project aiming to develop in silico biophysical models of neural excitability in the mammalian nucleus reuniens (NRe). This area within the thalamus is receiving increased attention from neuroscientists, (including both the 2013 and 2014 Nobel Laureates in Physiology and Medicine; see Xu and Sudhoff (2013), Science 339, 1290-5 and Ito et al. (2015) Nature 522, 50-5). Through its robust connectivity to structures such as the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, this midline thalamic nucleus is involved in both spatial and cognitive processing. It is also a key site of pathology in Korsakoff’s syndrome (aka amnesic-confabulatory syndrome), a form of dementia. Recent ongoing work in the Randall lab at Exeter has generated a large body of novel electrophysiological data that details the core electrical excitability of neurons in the nucleus reuniens, in both normal adult animals and rodent disease models. These datasets are supported by additional biophysical characterisations of the gating of some of the key underpinning ion channels in NRe neurons. These experimental data will form the basis for the computational models that this project will generate, models that will probe the mechanisms that govern the physiological spiking and bursting dynamics of NRe cells. The ultimate goal is to both better understand normal physiological NRe function, and to identify possible interventional routes through which abnormal NRe activity observed in disease models can be normalised toward the neurophysiological signatures presented by healthy tissue. Mathematical analysis and numerical/computational techniques will be applied to study the behaviour of the system in normal and pathological conditions. The computational component of the project will include the use of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms to optimise the parameters of the model to data, and the use of bifurcation analysis software. Application Criteria Applicants should have or expect to achieve a 2:1 Honours degree, or equivalent, in Mathematics, Physics, Natural Sciences, Medicine or other numerate discipline. The closing date for applications if midnight on 4 January, 2016. Interviews will be held at the University of Exeter mid-late January, 2016. For further information, or an informal discussion about the position, please contact Dr Ozbur Akman, e-mail:<>. Summary Application deadline: 4th January 2016 Value: £14,057 per annum plus UK/EU fees for eligible students (2015-16 rates) Duration of award: per year Contact: Postgraduate Research Office<> How to apply Please visit<> and complete the online web form. You will be asked to submit some personal details and upload a full CV, covering letter and details of two academic referees. Your covering letter should outline your academic interests, prior research experience and reasons for wishing to undertake this project. Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova Professor of Mathematics for Healthcare College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences University of Exeter Exeter, Devon, EX4 4QF, UK tel: +44 (0) 1392 723615 email:<> web: ALTEREGO - Enhancing Social Interaction with an AlterEgo artificial agent
participants (1)
Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira