Post-doc position opportunity at Italian Institute of Technology

All, There is an open opportunity for a post-doc position in my lab at IIT. We are looking for an in vitro electrophysiologist with expertise in epilepsy models and brain slices for biohybrid experiments. The position is open within the context of the EU-funded FET Proactive project HERMES - Hybrid Enhanced Regenerative Medicine Systems (<>). You may find the description and instructions to apply here: Deadline for application is September 15th. You may contact me directly for any informal inquiry. Please circulate this email to those you think might be interested. Thank you! Gabriella ________________________________ Gabriella Panuccio, MD, PhD Enhanced Regenerative Medicine Dept. Neuroscience and Brain Technologies Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Via Morego, 30 16163 Genova - Italy email:<> office: +39 010 28 96 ext 493 mobile: +39 333 491 32 31 website url:<about:blank> Twitter: @GabryPanu<> // @HERMES_FET<>
participants (1)
Gabriella Panuccio