Call for Papers: LDAB@CIBB2014

[We apologize if you have received multiple copies of this message] ==================================================== Call for papers Large-scale and HPC data analysis in bioinformatics: Intelligent methods for computational, systems and synthetic biology. 26-28 June 2014 University of Cambridge, UK Special Session of CIBB 2014 (later deadline): Eleventh International Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics *** Submission deadline: 5th May 2014 *** ==================================================== AIMS and SCOPE Biomedical research is currently facing the Big Data wave created by the huge amount of experiments performed every day in omics sciences. This new situation demands appropriate IT-infrastructures and scalable software to analyse data within an acceptable timespan. Massive parallel clusters, distributed technologies, on-Chip solutions such as GPGPU and Xeon Phi must be exploited with adequate algorithmic solutions to reach their full potential. The aim of this special session is to bring together researchers interested in cutting-edge methods to address the challenges posed by the huge amount of data produced in omics science. The idea is to present the latest advancements concerning High Performance Computing solutions required to treat multi-omics data and the related Big Data paradigms that are needed to manage the large-scale challenges of current computational biology. Examples of relevant areas of interest within this context include - but are not limited to - - Next-Generation Sequencing data analysis and interpretation, - Genomics patterns identification and mining, - Transcriptomics and Proteomics data integration, - Systems Biology models simulation and optimization, - Structural Biology and Molecular Dynamics, - Synthetic Biology circuits design and simulation. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Papers should be submitted in PDF format on the Easy Chair conference system. Paper length should be at least 4 pages and should not exceed 6 pages. Papers are required to be structured according to the following five sections: • 1. Scientific background • 2. Material and methods • 3. Results • 4. Conclusion • 5. References (no more than 10) (Please refer to the latex template on the web page for more accurate instructions). Please note that only PDF versions of papers can be accepted, as the proceedings of CIBB will be produced starting from them. A correct submission requires selecting this special session in the submission system. PUBLICATION Each paper will be peer-reviewed and the resulting scores used to determine invitations for oral or poster presentations. Following the conference, an extended version of the presented contributions (12 page format) will be considered for publication in the Springer’s Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) series. Moreover, a selection of the best papers will be considered for pu blication in a special issue of BMC Bioinformatics dedicated to CIBB2014. IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission: 5th May 2014 Acceptance notification: 10th May 2014 Camera ready due: 30th May 2014 Conference: 26th - 28th June 2014 ORGANISERS Andrea Bracciali, University of Stirling, UK Ivan Merelli, CNR-ITB, Italy CONTACTS Andrea Bracciali, University of Stirling, UK Computing Science and Mathematics School of Natural Sciences Stirling University +44 (0)1786 467446 Ivan Merelli, CNR-ITB, Italy Institute for Biomedical Technologies Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche +39 02 26422600
participants (1)
Andrea Bracciali