Post-Doctoral Research Associate Neuron Modeling for Transcranial Electric and Magnetic Stimulation

(Forwarding on behalf of Warren Grill) We seek a highly-motivated individual to conduct research on computational modeling of cortical neuron activation by transcranial electric and magnetic stimulation (TES and TMS). We have an NIH-funded R01 project to develop and disseminate computational neuron models and their integration with TES and TMS electric field simulations in the popular SimNIBS software package. This project is a collaboration between Dr. Warren Grill and Dr. Angel Peterchev at Duke University and Dr. Axel Thielscher at the Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance and Technical University of Denmark. This work is part of a long-standing research program at Duke for rigorous computational modeling and experimental characterization of both invasive and noninvasive neurostimulation. The strong interdisciplinary and collaborative environment at Duke is ideal for our multi-scale modeling research efforts. An earned PhD and previous experience in computational neurostimulation modeling are required as are excellent communication skills. This is a full-time position with University Benefits and provides exceptional opportunities for interdisciplinary research and career development. We value all dimensions of diversity and believe that the best solutions to challenging problems will come from working with people from a broad range of backgrounds and experiences. For consideration submit a cover letter, CV, and the names and contact information of three professional references here: ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Stephanie Jones <> Date: Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 9:18 AM Subject: Fwd: Post-Doc or Staff Scientist/Engineer Position To: Thomas Serre <>, Michael J Frank <> Cc: Matthew Nassar <>, Wilson Truccolo <>, David Zhou <>, Carina Curto <> Can we share the announcement below with the comp neuro community? ********************************************* *Stephanie R. Jones, PhD* *Professor * *Department of Neuroscience * *Brown University * ** * <>* *@drstephjones* *Human Neocortical Neurosolver* * <>* *@HNNsolver* Begin forwarded message: *From: *"Warren M Grill, Ph.D." <> *Subject: **Post-Doc or Staff Scientist/Engineer Position* *Date: *February 29, 2024 at 8:26:43 AM EST *To: *"" <> Dear Stephanie I hope this finds you well. We are recruiting a new post-doc or staff scientist/engineer with experience in neural modeling, and I would appreciate you recommending this opportunity to high caliber candidates in your department, as well as spreading the word broadly in your community. Thank you. All the best, Warren _ _ _ _ _ Warren M. Grill, Ph.D. Edmund T. Pratt, Jr. School Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering Duke University Editor in Chief, Journal of Neural Engineering Fellow of AIMBE, BMES, IAMBE, and NAI (he/him/his) (919) 660-5276 Phone (919) 684-4488 Fax CIEMAS Room 1139 Mail to: Duke University Department of Biomedical Engineering Fitzpatrick CIEMAS, Room 1427 101 Science Drive Box 90281 Durham NC 27708-0281 Post-Doc or Staff Scientist/Engineer Position
participants (1)
David Zhou