FACULTY POSITION IN QUANTITATIVE LIFE SCIENCES AT THE ABDUS SALAM INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS (ICTP). ICTP is seeking applicants for a new faculty position in its recently established Quantitative Life Sciences (QLS) research section. QLS responds to the theoretical challenges arising from recent advances in large-scale experiments in biology and neurosciences. The successful applicant will play a leading role in establishing the new section, promoting cutting-edge research in quantitative biology and supervising graduate students. Areas of interest include systems biology, biological networks, systems and computational neuroscience. Applicants should have an outstanding international reputation with at least 4 years of scientific research experience. The position, which will start in October 2015, will be at the P3 UNESCO level, with a starting salary of $78100. Other benefits include family allowance, home travel, education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance. Full details of the position, along with a link to the UNESCO online application, are available on ICTP's employment webpage and at http://www.ictp.it/about-ictp/personnel-office/employment.aspx <http://www.ictp.it/about-ictp/personnel-office/employment.aspx> The deadline is 3 June 2015. For further information please contact ICTP's Personnel Office at personnel_office@ictp.it <mailto:personnel_office@ictp.it>. ICTP, based in Trieste, Italy, provides a top class multi-disciplinary research environment in theoretical sciences, with cutting edge research, education and training, and it has been a driving force behind global efforts for the advancement of science in the developing world.

TENURE TRACK POSITION IN QUANTITATIVE LIFE SCIENCES AT THE ABDUS SALAM INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS (ICTP). ICTP is seeking applicants for a new tenure track position in its recently established Quantitative Life Sciences (QLS) research section. We're seeking young brilliant researchers in Quantitative Biology, Systems and Computational Neuroscience or Quantitative Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. The successful applicant will play a significant role the QLS section, promoting cutting-edge research in his/her field of expertise. Detailed description of the position is given below. For further information, please contact qls@ictp.it or visit our website www.ictp.it The deadline is 17 February 2016. ICTP, based in Trieste, Italy, provides a top class multi-disciplinary research environment in theoretical sciences, with cutting edge research, education and training, and it has been a driving force behind global efforts for the advancement of science in the developing world. --------------------------------------------------------- Post Title: Research Officer Domain: Quantitative Life Sciences Grade : P-2 Organizational Unit: ICTP Primary Location: Trieste, Italy Recruitment open to: Internal and external candidates Type of contract: Project Appointment (PA) Annual salary: $ 65,877 Deadline (midnight, Trieste time): 17 February 2016 How to apply http://www.ictp.it/about-ictp/personnel-office/employment.aspx OVERVIEW OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE POST Under the direct supervision of the Senior Researcher of the Quantitative Life Sciences (QLS) Section the incumbent will initiate and undertake world-class research in the field of Quantitative Life Sciences and assist in the planning and implementation of the scientific activities of the section and in the fulfilment of the Centre's mission. Essential responsibilities include: Undertake front-line research in the fields of Quantitative Biology, Systems and Computational Neuroscience, Quantitative Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Organization of seminars, schools, workshops, conferences and topical meetings, and selection of participants. Review the applications for postdoctoral work and Associateships, and short-term and long-term visits. Teach, as required, in Diploma Course Programs. Collaborate, as appropriate, with the Associates as well as other visitors to the Centre, especially those from developing countries. Additional activities that may be required to ensure the success of the Section's work. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS EDUCATION PhD in Physics or areas related to Quantitative Life Sciences. WORK EXPERIENCE At least 2 years of relevant professional experience after the PhD. Documented record of excellence in research. SKILLS/COMPETENCIES Ability to work in a multicultural environment and as part of a team. LANGUAGES Excellent knowledge of English. BENEFITS AND ENTITLEMENTS This is an extra-budgetary position classified as a project appointment with an intended medium term period of employment (5 years). Although having staff member status and enjoying the same benefits, the incumbent will be considered an external applicant if later applying for a regular post. For this post, the net annual remuneration will start at US$ 65,877 and is exempt from income tax. UN Pension plan and medical insurance are provided. HOW TO APPLY Candidates should apply through the website http://www.ictp.it/about-ictp/personnel-office/employment.aspx In addition, candidates should send a curriculum vita and list of publications to the ICTP Personnel Office (email: personnel_office@ictp.it), and should arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent directly by their referees to the ICTP Personnel Office by means of a scanned document topersonnel_office@ictp.it, email address of the ICTP Personnel Office, or by fax to +39-040-22407593, clearly indicating in the subject line "Research Officer post in the QLS Section" and the candidate's name.

The International Centre for Theoretical Physics has issued an open call for applications to a tenure track position in Quantitative Life Sciences, which could be filled by a neuroscientist. The Cognitive Neuroscience faculty at SISSA would be delighted to welcome such a colleague to Trieste and to interact in research and training activities, and recommends that potential applicants look at the particularly favorable employment terms offered by ICTP, as a UN body. See the post in Quantitative Life Sciences on http://www.ictp.it/about-ictp/personnel-office/employment.aspx Early deadline February 17! -- Alessandro Treves http://people.sissa.it/~ale/limbo.html SISSA - Cognitive Neuroscience, via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy and Master in Complex Actions http://www.mca.sissa.it/
participants (2)
Alessandro Treves
Matteo Marsili