postdocs with Peter Dayan in Tübingen

Postdoc(s) in Neural Reinforcement Learning / Computational Psychiatry (m/f/d) 100% Peter Dayan is looking to hire one or more postdocs (100%) to work in the areas of neural reinforcement learning, computational neuromodulation, and computational psychiatry. These positions will start in the Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Tübingen, as part of an Alexander-von-Humboldt Professorship award. There are also targeted positions on the computational anatomy of cortico-striatal connections (funded by a collaborative NIH grant with Professor Suzanne Haber) and with the International Brain Lab (a large collaboration with 20 other investigators, funded by the Simons Foundation). Peter Dayan has an affiliation with the University of Tübingen and the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics and collaboration is expected. The salary will be paid in accordance with the collective agreement for the public sector (salary at E13 TV-L, commensurate to experience and qualifications). The positions are available immediately, and are initially limited to two years (with the possibility of extension). Please direct scientific inquiries to and administrative inquiries to Responsibilities include: • Planning and carrying out research projects, for instance building theories and computational models of data from human and animal experiments, conducting experiments, analysing behavioural and neural data, writing and editing scientific papers/reports. • Helping to mentor and supervise student projects. • Participating in scientific conferences. • Helping to organize and conduct collaborations in Tübingen as well as nationally and internationally • Helping with building and running an effective academic lab environment at the intersection between the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics and the science and medical faculties at the University of Tübingen. The successful candidate(s) should have a PhD in computational neuroscience or related fields. Proficiency in a high level mathematical or statistically-oriented programming language such as python, R, Julia or matlab, and intimate familiarity with advanced data analysis are essential. The candidate(s) should be able to work independently and troubleshoot and should show good capacity and value for teamwork and communication skills. The University of Tübingen is one of the Excellence Universities in Germany. It is home to a vibrant research community, with very strong research activity in Neuroscience and Clinical Psychology / Psychiatry as well as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We offer an open research culture, where original thinking and academic merit are encouraged and nurtured, and encourage applications from all nationalities, backgrounds, and genders. The University of Tübingen is dedicated to increase the percentage of female employees in the field of science. Therefore, female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications should include a CV, a list of publications, summaries of scientific achievements and research plans, the position for which the application is intended, and the names and contact details of three referees. Applications should be sent in a single PDF to: Applications arriving before June 30th 2020 will receive full consideration.

Hi Everybody Many of us are involved in Covid-19 studies. This is to let you know that we developed a free online analysis tool which allows to compare outbreaks in different countries with a few clicks: The "Goethe Interactive COVID-19 Analyzer" is free to use, both for private and academic purposes. Functionalities -- arbitrary data rescaling -- shift of onset date -- timeline or daily vs total counts -- export to png image Feel free to share. Claudius ### ### Prof. Dr. Claudius Gros ### ### ### Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems, A Primer ### A graduate-level textbook, Springer (2008/10/13/15) ### ### Life for barren exoplanets: The Genesis project ### ###

Postdoc in Computational Psychiatry at UC Berkeley The UC Berkeley Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute is looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher to work on an exciting, newly funded, five-year NIH project. This project brings together researchers with expertise in computational psychiatry, computational and cognitive neuroscience and clinical science from the Psychology Department and Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute at UC Berkeley and from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany. Faculty involved include Professor Sonia Bishop (Psychology & HWNI, UC Berkeley), Professor Anne Collins (Psychology & HWNI, UC Berkeley), Professor Sheri Johnson (Psychology, UC Berkeley) and Professor Peter Dayan (MPI, Tübingen, Germany). This provides an exciting opportunity for a postdoctoral candidate to work at the cutting edge of computational psychiatry research and to take on a pivotal role in this team. The aim of the project is to use a computational approach to delineate component processes contributing to probabilistic decision-making across positive and negative valence domains, to investigate their neural substrate (using fMRI), and to relate abnormalities in these processes and alterations in associated neural function to dimensional measures of psychopathology. In addition, we aim to develop tasks and models that can be shared with the broader computational psychiatry and RDoC community. For pertinent theoretical and empirical work by team members please see: The successful applicant will have the opportunity to take an early lead on studies conducted as part of this 5-year project and to contribute intellectually to their development and direction. The postdoc will be based within the Computational Psychiatry and Affective Cognitive Neuroscience laboratory at UC Berkeley (please note, given Covid, there may be an opportunity for remote working in year 1 - feel free to inquire). The CPACN lab is located within the new Berkeley Way West (BWW) building which houses the Department of Psychology and multiple cognitive neuroscience, computational and clinical research groups, providing a rich and stimulating scientific community. BWW is within a 2 minute walk of the H. Wheeler Brain Imaging Center, located within the Li Ka Shing Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences which is home to two 3T MRI scanners and one 7T scanner. There will also be the opportunity for annual collaborative trips to the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany. We are looking for an individual who is strongly motivated to pursue an academic career and is excited by the opportunities for personal and career development this position can provide. In addition to regular interactions with, and training by, members of the project team, the successful applicant will be able to take advantage of the many opportunities provided by the broader scientific community at UC Berkeley, including participation in weekly seminars and advanced computational modelling and fMRI courses provided by the HWNI and Psychology Department. There are also many opportunities for more informal interactions with members of the local scientific community. We seek postdoctoral applicants with established computational modelling skills and a PhD in cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience or a related discipline. Experience with fMRI is preferred but not required. Strong programming skills (ideally in python or matlab) are required. Candidates should have a track record of productivity and show potential for success in working in a team environment. Good knowledge of the computational psychiatry, decision-making, or computational neuroscience literatures is desirable. Qualified postdoctoral applicants should submit a current CV, a personal statement describing their experience and interests, and contact information for three references to (informal enquiries also welcome). At UC Berkeley, postdoctoral salaries start at $50,760/year depending on prior post-doctoral experience, and the University offers medical insurance and benefits. The position is available at this time but a delayed start is also negotiable. An initial appointment for a one-year period will be made with potential for extension for a further two years (or longer) depending on successful performance. UC Berkeley is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer with a strong institutional commitment to excellence through diversity.
participants (2)
Claudius Gros
Peter Dayan