Predoctoral position in the NeuroNanotech MSCA Doctoral Network

We are seeking a talented predoctoral candidate for the project: "In-vivo assessment of nanotecnologies for smart neuromodulation <>" within the NeuroNanotech MSCA Doctoral Network <> HOST INSTITUTION Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA, Spain) & Cajal Insitute (CSIC, Spain) PhD PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project falls within a multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research line at the intersection of engineering, nanotechnology, and neuroscience, aiming to develop intelligent neuromodulation systems for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. With a primary focus on Parkinson’s disease (PD), this doctoral thesis project seeks to integrate the expertise of the “Neurophysiological Monitoring and Control Laboratory” at CIMA in Pamplona and the “Neurophysiology and Synaptic Plasticity Laboratory” at the Cajal Insitute in Madrid to assess the suitability of nanotechnology-based neural interfaces in the challenge of restoring neural dynamics of motor control. During the project, we will explore the use of nanostructured electrodes and ultra-sensitive spintronic magnetic sensors together with real-time signal processing to develop a proof of concept of a smart-stimulation framework to manipulate motor behaviour in animal models of Parkinson’s disease. The system will pursue high levels of tissue integration and stable performance in recording/stimulation and avoiding electrode degradation. During the project, the candidate will work on key aspects of the development of the neuromodulatory solution such as: 1. In-vivo assessment of long-term biocompatibility of the sensing and stimulation interfaces. 2. Adaptation of the neuromodulation system for the use of in-vivo/freely moving animal models of Parkinson’s disease as a proxy for future human use. 3. Increase our knowledge of the relationship between magnetic and electrophysiological readings. 4. Development of signal processing techniques to de-noise and enhance sensitivity of detection of proposed technologies. 5. Assessment of the functional performance of the smart sensing and stimulation interfaces on the animal models of Parkinson’s disease As a result, the candidate will have the opportunity to learn: 1. Methods and technologies for in-vivo/freely moving electrophysiological recordings, surgery training (including stereotactic methods, multi-site multimodal recordings, and stimulation), animal handling, methods for motor impairment assessment, and viral injections. 2. Histological processing, confocal microscopy 3. Hardware development and control, real-time signal processing, integration of multimodal sources such as video, ephys and sound, data analysis and statistics including AI/ML RESEARCH SUPERVISORs Miguel Valencia Ustárroz (, Physiological Monitoring and Control Lab <> @ CIMA Eduardo Martín Montiel (, Neurophysiology and Synaptic Plasticity Lab <> @ CSIC RESEARCH GROUP DESCRIPTION The Physiological Monitoring and Control group at CIMA integrates bioengineering and physiology to solve challenges associated with the lack of translational biomarkers in the development of new therapies, limited access to new monitoring technologies in in-hospital and out-of-hospital settings, and precision medicine through the development of personalized diagnostic and treatment methods. To this end, they implement and deploy (i) miniaturized recording systems for electrophysiological recordings (ii) intelligent stimulation systems and (iii) systems for monitoring physiological variables in humans. The goal: to develop and validate new biomarkers and therapeutic approaches that are preferentially applied in neurological and neurodegenerative diseases (although they also find application in metabolic diseases, surgical monitoring, anesthesia, and cancer). The Neurophysiology and Synaptic Plasticity group at Cajal Insitute is focused on the study of the cellular processes and molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of synaptic transmission, and particularly in the ability of neurons to regulate the synaptic strength over time and the properties, mechanisms and consequences of astrocyte signalling on neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission in the control of motor activity, both in physiological and pathological conditions. APPLICANT’S REQUIREMENTS - A degree/master in engineering, physics, or similar with a deep interest in neurosciences, physiology, and medical engineering - Knowledge of Python/Matlab and interest in hardware integration/control - Previous experience in any of these areas will be highly valued: hardware development, medical electronics, biomedical signal processing, electrophysiology, optogenetics, histological processing, in vitro and in vivo experimentation. ADDITIONAL PHD APPLICATION AND RECRUITMENT STEPS No additional requirements apart from those derived from the secondments are considered ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS: - Mobility requirements: candidates have not resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the recruitment date. - Research experience: must be doctoral candidates, i.e., not already in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of recruitment. - Candidates must enroll in a doctoral programme in the relevant EU Member State/Associated Country. APPLY NOW!!! @ ---------------------------------------------------- Miguel Valencia Ustárroz, PhD Physiological Monitoring and Control Lab <> Biomedical Engineering Program CIMA/University of Navarra e-mail: Tel: + 34 948 194700, ext 2007 *CONFIDENCIALIDAD: La información contenida en esta comunicación puede ser confidencial y está destinada para el uso exclusivo del destinatario arriba designado. 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participants (1)
Miguel Valencia Ustárroz