Post-doc in Paris (Benoît Girard, ISIR, Sorbonne Université, Paris)

A 18-month postdoc position is opened at the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR, Sorbonne Université & CNRS). We are looking for a young and enthusiast researcher trained in computational neuroscience or neuro-robotics to develop a computational model of catatonia. It is based on a new theory and preliminary results obtained in the lab (Aubin et al., 2022), dealing with the study of alteration of dynamic regimes observed in models of cortico-baso-thalamo-cortical loops. Results obtained with a population model have to be reproduced and extended with a spiking model, as well as connected to motor control module so as to investigate the motor symptoms of catatonia. The position could start as soon as a candidate is found. The project builds on an ongoing collaboration between Benoît Girard (ISIR, computational neuroscience), David Cohen (ISIR and Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, clinical expertise) and Ghilès Mostafaoui (ETIS at Cergy-Pontoise Université, robotics and motor control) Please contact us (,, for further information. Aubin, L., Batailley, B., Raffin, M., Mostafaoui, G., Cohen, D. and Girard B. (2022) Exploration of the respective roles of cortex and basal ganglia in catatonia with a computational model. Poster presented at FENS2022 and NeuralNet2022. -- Benoît Girard, ISIR, Sorbonne Université/CNRS Pyramide T55/65, CC 173 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex Submit your replications to ReScience:
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Benoît Girard