[announcement] Dynamics Days Digital 2020

Dear colleagues, It is our pleasure to announce Dynamics Days Digital 2020 (DDD2020), an online event that will take place on *August 24-26, 2020*. DDD2020 is part of Dynamics Days Europe, a series of major international conferences on dynamical systems and applications, which brings together researchers from a wide range of backgrounds including physics, biology, engineering and mathematics. For more information on DDD2020, including registration and abstract submission, please visit https://www.danieleavitabile.com/ddd2020/ <https://www.danieleavitabile.com/ddd2020/> DDD2020 will include plenary talks, invited minisymposia, a limited number of contributed talks, and posters. Confirmed plenary speakers of Dynamics Days Digital include * Albert-László Barabási (Northeastern University, USA) * Nancy Kopell (Boston University, USA) * Corinna Ulcigrai (University of Zürich, Switzerland) In addition to the invited minisymposia, we invite proposals for oral and (virtual) poster contributions submitted through the conference homepage. The abstract submission deadline is *June 28, 2020*. We are looking forward to seeing you online at Dynamics Days Digital 2020! Best wishes from the organising committee, Daniele Avitabile (chair) Peter Ashwin Christian Bick Mathieu Desroches PS: The next in-person Dynamics Days Europe will take place in Nice (France) in summer 2021, please visit https://dynamicsdays2020.univ-cotedazur.fr <https://dynamicsdays2020.univ-cotedazur.fr/> for details.
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