Post-doctoral Position in Human Perceptual Neuroscience at NYU

The Perception and Brain Dynamics Laboratory (PI: Biyu J. He, Ph.D.;<>) at New York University currently has two open post-doctoral positions, which can start immediately (with a flexible start date). We are interested in candidates with a background in perceptual/cognitive neuroscience and/or related computational modeling. Experience in human electrophysiology (MEG/EEG or intracranial recordings) or neuroimaging (fMRI) is ideal. Successful applicants will be able to participate in cutting-edge research to understand the neural basis of human perception (broadly defined), and will have opportunities to employ multiple advanced recording (e.g., M/EEG, 7T fMRI, ECoG) and analysis approaches in their research. Research questions may include: * What are the roles of spontaneous brain activity in perception? * How do prior knowledge and past experiences influence perception? * What are the neural differences between conscious and unconscious processing? * What are the temporal dynamics of neural activity underlying perception? To apply, please email PI Biyu J. He at<>, with subject line "post-doctoral application", and include a CV, a 1-2 page research statement (including accomplishments and interests), and names and contacts for 2-3 referees. To inquire, please email PI Biyu J. He at<>, with subject line "post-doctoral application inquiry", and attach your CV. Our laboratory is located on the medical campus of New York University in Manhattan, NY, and is affiliated with the Neuroscience Institute, Departments of Neurology, Neuroscience & Physiology, and Radiology. We offer competitive salaries and benefits that adjust for cost of living in New York City. The position is expected to last at least 2 years, and is renewed annually depending on satisfactory performance and availability of funding. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, starting immediately.
participants (1)
Hardstone, Richard