[Conferences] CFP: IEEE RO-MAN 2020 Special Session on Applied Emotion/Mind-Aware Neuroimaging in Real-world Human-Robot Symbiosis with Heart, Mind, and Soul

29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication(IEEE RO-MAN2020) *SPECIAL SESSION* *Applied Emotion/Mind-Aware Neuroimaging in Real-world Human-Robot Symbiosis with Heart, Mind, and Soul* *(Website: **http://ro-man2020.unina.it/special-sessions.php* <http://ro-man2020.unina.it/special-sessions.php>*)* *CALL FOR PAPERS* *(Download CFP: **https://tinyurl.com/tgvhue5* <https://tinyurl.com/tgvhue5> *)* *Title* *Applied Emotion/Mind-Aware Neuroimaging in Real-world Human-Robot Symbiosis with Heart, Mind, and Soul* *Motivation and goals* Wearable technologies that connect human with the surrounding smart environment could potentially replace the cellphone and other cumbersome tablet/laptops to become the next generation human-computer interface. It opens a new frontier of using stretchable, sticky and flexible body sensors, galvanic skin response (GSR), photoplethysmogram (PPG), inertial measurement unit (IMUs), and neurophysiological electrodes, such as EEG/EMG/ECG/EKG to measure various brain and body activity signals, and decode meaningful information for multi-modal interactions. Such dramatic shift of paradigm can be manifested in many technology development from big companies/startups, like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Samsung and Neuralink (Elon Musk), etc., to build more mobile, invisible, ubiquitous, compact computing platforms, such as smart watches, smart glasses, smart headphones, VR/AR headsets, and state-of-the-art Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs), in which the devices embed various kinds of sensors and electrodes to directly/indirectly interpret human body states, intentions, emotions and/or even high level motivations from neural signals, while other “out-of-body” sensors, like cameras, could not observe. Along with the scientific and practical implementation challenges of such technology, the personal big data collection also brings a lot of social norms, privacy and ethical issues as well. In this Special Session, we want to solicit impactful paper contributions to push the boundary to the limit, in order to explore the most critical issues in applying this futuristic technology to the real-world environment. Since our human have complex behaviors, which involve multiple disciplinary explanations, the technologies that closely-interact and solve the human-related problems should also reflect such complex multidisciplinary nature. As part of purely theoretical findings, we will also create a multidisciplinary educational and discussion forum, in which we will have industrial applications, art and design, consumer electronics, embedded system and mobile computing, Human-Robot Neural Interaction (HRNI) user experience/interface (UX/UI) design, and social norm and ethical paper presentations to discuss the emotion/mind-aware data collection and the use of AI to fully release the potential of this promising technology. Hopefully our dedicated effort of organizing this Special Session focusing on Emotion/Mind-Aware Neuroimaging could make such futuristic promising technology more human-centered, with more human-like heart, mind, and soul to interact with the people, the robot, and all other smart IoT devices, to enable a seamless Human-Robot Symbiotic society. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: *List of Topics* - Affective Computing - Wearable Platform and Wearable Device Form Factor Design - Soft Robotics - AI, Big Data, IoT, Deep Learning - Machine Learning and Biosignal Processing - Brain-Computer Interface and Physiological Signal Measurement - Invasive and Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interface - Wearable Computing and Embedded System, IC/SoC design - Consumer Electronics Applications - Cloud/Edge Computing - Human-Robot/Computer Interaction - Neuroprosthesis, Exoskeleton, Rehabilitation robot - Biofeedback/Neurofeedback Training - Human-Robot Neural Interaction (HRNI) User Experience/Interface Design - Human-Centered Natural Interaction Design - Social Norms and Ethical issues of Using Emotion-Aware Big Data *PAPER SUBMISSIONS* Authors are invited to submit a *6~8-page (regular) Special Session paper* via RO-Man 2020 portal in *Papercept* (https://ras.papercept.net/) using *Special Session code* (Code: gxf38). Manuscripts are in double-column IEEE format following the official IEEE Manuscript Formatting guidelines. Review will be single-blind, so please retain all authors information in the submissions. Also consider the IEEE policies for publications. The conference proceedings will be included in the *IEEE Xplore Digital Library* . *Submission link* https://ras.papercept.net/ *Submission Code* *"gxf38"* *SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT* *Due to COVID-19, we are now accepting "Video Live Streaming" and/or "Video Recording" presentations, so the accepted papers can be presented remotely! **The paper submission deadline has been extended to the 29th of April to provide authors of the time to produce their best work, despite the many additional challenges we are facing at the moment. We are considering alternatives to allow for remote participation to both the main conference and workshops should disruptions still occur in September. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and uploaded to IEEE Xplore, regardless of whether a physical or virtual presentation will be given.* *IMPORTANT DATES* - *Submission deadline for full papers: April 29, 2020 (extended)* - Notifications: June 15, 2020 - Final camera ready deadline: June 30, 2020 - Conference: August 31 - September 4, 2020 *ORGANIZERS* Ker-Jiun Wang (University of Pittsburgh) Mohammad Shidujaman (Tsinghua University) Caroline Yan Zheng (Royal College of Art) Maitreyee Wairagkar (Imperial College of London) Midori Sugaya (Shibaura Institute of Technology) Zhi-Hong Mao (University of Pittsburgh) Kai-Tai Song (National Chiao Tung University) Kindest regards, *Ker-Jiun Wang, PhD* Department of Bioengineering University of Pittsburgh On Behalf of Organizing Committees of Applied Emotion/Mind-Aware Neuroimaging in Real-world Human-Robot Symbiosis with Heart, Mind, and Soul
participants (1)
Ker-Jiun Wang