View this email in your browser <> [image: PLOS] <> *Announcing PLOS Complex Systems* *A new home for complex systems research that transcends disciplines* Dr Cherifi, We’re proud to announce *PLOS Complex Systems*, a forthcoming new journal to complement our existing portfolio and continue our mission to support research communities around the globe. *PLOS Complex Systems* <> will publish research of broad significance that untangles the complex systems at the heart of the world we live in. Open Science options at every stage of research communication facilitate new connections that inspire ideas and accelerate progress across disciplines while cross-fertilizing knowledge that enable solutions to fundamental challenges facing our society today. Find out more <> [image: Hocine Cherifi] *“I am thrilled to be part of the launch of *PLOS Complex Systems*, a significant step forward in understanding the intricacies of our world. This journal has the power to break down disciplinary boundaries and encourage researchers to approach problems holistically. Together, we have the opportunity to shape the future of complex systems research and make a lasting impact on scientific understanding and societal progress.”* *- Hocine Cherifi, Editor-in-Chief* Want to learn more?Find out more about the scope of *PLOS Complex Systems*, our Editor-in-Chief, and other relevant journal information on our website. Start here <>
participants (1)
Hocine Cherifi