PhD and Postdoc positions at the Kavli Institute in Trondheim

Postdoctoral and PhD positions are available at the Kavli Institute/Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. We ware interested in developing and studying statistical models of high-dimensional data, network inference and reconstruction techniques. We study both the statistical and computational aspects of the learning problem as well as the applications to biological networks for which the successful candidate will have access to a wealth of experimental data collected at the Kavli Institute. The group enjoys close ties with NORDITA- The Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, ICTP and the Department of Statistics at the City University of New York (group of Kamiar Rahnama Rad). Travel funds are available for collaborations and visits. Our work is highly quantitative and interdisciplinary; applicants should have a strong background in Statistics/Machine Learning, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Computational Neuroscience or similar fields. Interested applicants should send a CV, a short description of past experiences/achievements and future research interests, and arrange for two letters of recommendation to be emailed directly to <yasser.roudi at ntnu dot no>. Questions about the position should also be sent to the same email address.
participants (1)
Yasser Roudi