Fully-funded four-year PhD studentship in Computational Neuroscience at Imperial College London

An exciting PhD project in Computational Neuroscience is available for UK/EU candidates in the group of Tobias Reichenbach (http://www.bg.ic.ac.uk/research/reichenbach/index.html) at Imperial College London. The student will develop state-of-the art neuronal network models to investigate the effects of complex spatio-temporal neurostimulation on speech processing. The model development and results will be linked with ongoing experiments, and will pave the way to a novel rehabilitation from neural impairments with speech comprehension. The PhD position is part of the Center for Neurotechnology (http://www.imperial.ac.uk/neurotechnology/cdt) at Imperial College London. The successful candidate will join an international cohort of PhD students working on cutting-edge topics of computational and experimental neuroscience and engineering. To apply please visit the Centre's project page (http://www.imperial.ac.uk/neurotechnology/cdt/projects/), access the tab "Projects available for Oct 2017" and select the project "Developing a novel type of neurostimulation to foster speech processing and rehabilitation from aphasia". Deadline is the 31st of January 2017. ------------------------------------------- Tobias Reichenbach Lecturer, Biophysics of Hearing Editor, Heliyon Department of Bioengineering Imperial College London South Kensington Campus SW7 2AZ London, UK http://www.bg.ic.ac.uk/research/reichenbach/
participants (1)
Reichenbach, Johann D T