2022 Western-Fields School in Networks and Neuroscience

Applications are invited for a one-week school at the interface of mathematics and neuroscience. With similar scope as the 2021 joint seminar series<http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/activities/21-22/western-fields>, the Western-Fields Summer School in Networks and Neuroscience<https://uwo.ca/academy/themes/neural_networks/2022_western_fields_school.htm...> will bring together advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs for a week of training in methods for networks, dynamics, learning, and modeling biological neural networks. Lectures will cover graph theory, network dynamics, advanced algebra, and machine learning. Students will receive intensive training ranging from an introduction to advanced methods in these fields. This summer school will be held September 19-23 on the campus of Western University (London, Ontario), with a closing session at the Fields Institute (Toronto, Ontario). Applications should consist of CV and one-page statement of interest, submitted as a single PDF file to Lyle Muller (lmuller2@uwo.ca<mailto:lmuller2@uwo.ca>) and Ján Mináč (minac@uwo.ca<mailto:minac@uwo.ca>). Review of applications will begin on 6 July 2022. Our team is committed to fostering diversity in mathematics and neuroscience, and a goal of this summer school is to encourage diverse candidates with quantitative training to consider problems in this growing field. Any interested applicants can write to the teaching team with questions about the program. -- Lyle Muller http://mullerlab.ca<http://mullerlab.ca/>
participants (1)
Lyle Muller