Postdoctoral Position in Neuroscience (BRAIN Initiative project): In vivo imaging of cortical dynamics

Dear all, A postdoctoral position utilizing in vivo 2-photon imaging is available in the laboratory of Dr. Patrick Kanold at the University of Maryland. The laboratory studies the function, development, and plasticity of the cerebral cortex ( We are seeking highly motivated individuals that want to join exciting collaborative project, together with Dr. Dietmar Plenz (NIMH, and Dr. Wolfgang Losert (UMd Physics), funded by the NIH BRAIN initiative. We use in vivo 2-photon imaging and stimulation technology that allows rapid imaging and stimulation in multiple focal planes and aim to develop new analysis techniques based on dynamic systems and graph theoretic measures to extract network dynamics at the single neuron and population level. We aim to identify the influence of single neurons relative to the synergistic influence of specific groups of neurons (the crowd) on network dynamics and ultimately behavior of the animal (see The ideal candidate will have a PhD in neuroscience, engineering, or related discipline, a background in systems neuroscience, and an ability to work in a large multidisciplinary team. Special considerations are given to applicants with training in imaging, in vivo physiology, computational approaches, and programming skills (esp. MATLAB). Qualified individuals should send a copy of curriculum vitae and names of three references to
participants (1)
Patrick Kanold