2nd CFP Advanced Research on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architecture

*2nd Call for papers:* *"Advanced Research on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architecture"(http://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/1900 <http://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/1900>). To be relased in July 2016, by IGI Global. * *Deadline: January 2016.* *Anthropic Oriented Computing (AOC) lies at the intersection among sociology, neuroscience, philosophy, anthropology, psychology, and computer science. We want to establish a new domain of the Anthropic-centric oriented computing merging and attract attention of wide audience for the inter/cross/trans- disciplinary areas and approaches such as field of a: philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, neurophysiology and computer science. This way we aim at initiating the discussion on the Anthropo-centric -oriented computing with several specialists from different domains of the cognitive and social sciences. To gain broader view on the problems and tackled from different angles of perspective on Artificial Consciousness, and AGI and group/crowd dynamics.* *Recommended topics include, but are not limited to:* · *Affective cognitive architectures* · *Emotional computer interface* · *Situated and embodied cognition* · *Crowdcasting, Crowdsourcing, Crowdsensing* · *Swarm cognition (swarm intelligence + distributed cognition = swarm cognition)* · *Neuro-biologically inspired systems for AI* · *Philosophical aspects of Artificial consciousness* · *Computational Psychological aspects of Affective computation* · *Computational Neuroscientific aspects of Affective computation* · *Decision making and Artificial Consciousness* · *Volunteer computing* · *Social computing* · *Collective intelligence* · *Crowd agents* · *Agent crowdmap* · *Theory-based inference* · *Logic and graphical models* · *Causal reasoning and counterfactuals* · *Foundational and technical questions in bridging logical and probabilistic models* *Inquiries: Jordi Vallverdú, jordi.vallverdu@uab.cat <jordi.vallverdu@uab.cat> * Prof. Dr. Jordi Vallverdú, B. Phil, B. Mus, M.Sci, Ph.D. Room B7/104, Philosophy Dept. UAB 08193 Bellaterra (BCN) CATALONIA ------------------- FULL CV/Publications: https://uab.academia.edu/JordiVallverdu <https://uab.academia.edu/JordiVallverd%C3%BA> ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9975-7780 ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/K-5536-2014 Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jordi_Vallverdu
participants (1)
Prof. Dr. Jordi Vallverdú