Postdoc positions in Computational/Systems Neuroscience at Washington University in St Louis

POSTDOC POSITIONS IN THE NEW GOODHILL LAB AT WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY In 2021 I am starting a new Computational, Systems and Developmental Neuroscience lab at Washington University in St Louis (USA) and several postdoc positions will be available. The lab will primarily focus on the formation of neural circuits underlying behavior. This will include developing novel experimental, computational and theoretical methods, and applying them to domains including hunting behavior, social behavior and sleep. The lab will be fully integrated between experimental and theoretical work, performing behavioral and calcium imaging experiments with zebrafish models, and will also have collaborations with other labs working on a range of model systems. Besides questions in basic neuroscience, a particular area of focus will be the circuit perturbations that underlie Autism Spectrum Disorders. For a list of previous publications see<> For these positions particularly suitable backgrounds include computational neuroscience, systems neuroscience, zebrafish neuroscience, optical physics, or more generally physics, applied mathematics, engineering and computer science. Washington University in St Louis is ranked in the top 10 globally for Neuroscience and Behavior, and offers an outstanding intellectual environment for neuroscience research. The lab will be based at the Medical School between the departments of Neuroscience and Developmental Biology, but also expects to develop strong links with the Faculty of Engineering and departments of Mathematics and Physics. If you would like to discuss these positions further please contact me at my current address below, including a detailed CV and cover letter explaining your interest. Professor Geoffrey J Goodhill Queensland Brain Institute and School of Mathematics & Physics University of Queensland St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia Email:<>
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Geoffrey Goodhill