PhD position on Multistable perception : modelisation and analyse gaze and electroencephalographic correlates

Application are invited for a PhD studentship in Modelling multistable perception by stochastic resonance processes. Closing dates for applications : 15th June 2016. In summary, the main objectives of this PhD are to unify available models of stochastic resonance and to experimentally evaluate the contribution of gaze noise to decision making processes in multistable perception. To this aim, the successful candidate will contribute to theoretical, methodological, and experimental studies. Three research axes are identified: (1) developing stochastic resonance models and comparing these models to the recent Bayesian models described in [Moreno-Bote, Knill & Pouget, 2011]; (2) development of a tool set for the analysis of the neuronal correlates based on EEG feature extraction and machine learning for perceptual change prediction; (3) the design of experimental paradigms for multistable perception, with gaze and/or EEG recordings. This subject is on a confluence of multiple research axes, all essential for a successful PhD : • Stochastic resonance modelling: GIPSA-lab/CICS • Retinal modelling: GIPSA-lab/ViBS, LPNC • Study of micro-saccades: LPNC, GIPSA-lab/CICS • Gaze experiment design: GIPSA-lab/ViBS, LPNC • Joint Gaze and EEG experiment design : GIPSA-lab/ViBS • EEG signal analysis : GIPSA-lab/ViBS. Apllicants should have a strong background in stochastic signal processing and have strong interest in pstychophysics, oculometry and EERG recording. French is not mandatory. The Gipsa-lab is situated in the University Grenoble-Alpes (UGA : The UGA is located in Grenoble, an international city and a wonderful place to live, work, and study. Nestled in the Alps, Grenoble enjoys an incomparable natural setting, with opportunities for sports lovers and nature enthusiasts alike. More information on : *PhD director : * Steeve Zozor (CR, CNRS, HDR EEATS, GIPSA-lab, research group CICS) * <>**, tel 33 (0)4 76 82 71 04* *PhD supervisors : * Ronald Phlypo (MCF Grenoble-INP, GIPSA-lab, research group ViBS) * <>**, tel 33 (0)4 76 82 64 86* Alan Chauvin (MCF UGA, lab LPNC, research group Perception et Sensori-Motricité) alan.chauvin@ <>univ <>-grenoble- <> alpes <>.fr <>*, tel 33 (0)4 76 82 69 26* -- Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition LPNC CNRS UMR 5105 Universite Pierre-Mendes France (UPMF) Batiment Science de l'Homme et Math (BSHM) 38041 Grenoble Cedex 09 33 (0) 476 825 926
participants (1)
Alan Chauvin