Reminder: NCCD-2015 registration deadline

New early registration deadline: June 4th. The list of oral and poster presentations can be found at *********************************************************** Neural Coding, Computation and Dynamics (NCCD) August 30 - September 2, 2015 Bilbao, Spain The goal of this workshop is to bring together experimentalists and theoreticians who seek to understand how circuit dynamics underlies representation and function in the nervous system, and to foster real discussion. This year the workshop will focus on the interplay between excitation (E) and inhibition (I) in cortical circuits. The balance between E and I, an idea proposed twenty years ago to account for the stochastic nature of cortical activity, has been seminal in the understanding of basic principles of neural network dynamics. We are seeking talks that, building on this paradigm, present recent findings on topics such as neuronal variability and stochastic dynamics, the role of the different subtypes of interneurons, plasticity and structure in EI networks, brain state and network dynamics, etc. The workshop will be limited to about 70 people, the hope being to foster real interaction and discussion. Important dates: May 15: Abstracts due (there will be posters and contributed talks) June 4th: Early registration due Confirmed invited speakers: Dean Buonomano, University of California at Los Angeles Jess Cardin, Yale School of Medicine Sophie Denève, ENS Brent Doiron, University of Pittsburgh Andrea Hasenstaub, UCSF Mike Hausser, UCL Carl Petersen, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Karel Svoboda, Janelia Farm Tim Vogels, University of Oxford Fred Wolf, University of Gottingen Best, Peter Latham Jaime de la Rocha Maneesh Sahani Pedro Goncalves Co-organizers
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pedro goncalves