Masters fellowships in computational neuroscience within the Interdisciplinary Master in Life Science at ENS/PSL Paris

Mathematics of Neural Circuits team (Pi Boris Gutkin, at the Laboratory for Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris France is looking for highly qualified candidates to support for the masters (m1 and m2) fellowship competition within the Interdisciplinary Master in Life Science ENS Paris. Within the framework of the PSL Q-Life Institute of Convergence <>, a scholarship program offering competitive stipends for students following the Interdisciplinary Master in Life Science (IMaLiS <>) has been established to specifically support two categories of students : International students (10,000 €/year), French students with a degree in a scientific discipline other than Life Sciences (6,000 €/year). In addition to providing the fellowship, the program can reserve rooms at the Cité International Universitaire de Paris <> for some of the students. The deadline is April 17 2020. More details on the program can be found here: <> For more information and preliminary interview please contact: Boris Gutkin, PhD Research Director CNRS Group for Neural Theory, LNC INSERM U960 Institut d'Etude de la Cognition de l'Ecole normale supérieure Ecole normale superieure, Paris Sciences et Lettres* 29 rue d'Ulm. 75005 Paris, France Phone: +3314432 <tel:%2B33144322674>2956 Internet: <>
participants (1)
boris gutkin