Excellence PhD opening on advanced analyses of monkey recordings in parieto-motor cortices (Aix-Marseille University)

We are offering one excellence PhD fellowship (3 years) at Aix-Marseille University within the labs of Bjorg Kilavik (experimental electrophysiology; Timone Institute of Neuroscience - INT, Marseille) and Demian Battaglia (computational neuroscience; Institute of Systems Neuroscience - INS, Marseille & University of Strasbourg Institute of Advanced Studies - USIAS). The project will involve the analysis with advanced computational methods (network and activity pattern analyses, machine learning, information theory...) of laminar-specific recordings in parietal and motor cortices of non-human primates. The aim will be to investigate the role of different cortical layers and of their dynamic interactions, mediating the processing and integration of information from bottom-up and top-down sources, in the encoding of motor plans and behaviors. This project corresponds to "ESR1" (https://research.ncl.ac.uk/in2pb/phdprojects/esr1/) within the EU high-level training-by-research consortium "In2PrimateBrains" (https://research.ncl.ac.uk/in2pb/), federating world-leading european groups working in non-human primate neuroscience research. Becoming PhD within the network will offer unique training and interaction opportunities with other In2PrimateBrains members, in addition to the specific research conducted in the host lab. Depending on the profile of the candidate, the PhD project will revolve on the computational analysis side of existing data or may also include the possibility to learn how to acquire new recordings, in a mixed experimental-theoretical project. The fellowship comes with a competitive salary (beyond national averages) within the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions scheme and with grant money for participating to training, conferences, buying equipment... In addition to the training providing within the "In2PrimateBrains" international program, the candidate will also profit ot the local "Neuroschool" graduate program (https://neuro-marseille.org/) offering high-level training (in English language) in integrative neuroscience, research management and soft skills, within one of the largest neuroscience communities in France. Aix-Marseille University is one of few excellence-labelled universities (IDEX) in France, making of interdisciplinary research one of its main axes. Marseille is a vibrant city with wonderful natural surroundings and high-speed train and flight connections to many large cities in Europe. The interesting candidate will file an application through an online form (https://research.ncl.ac.uk/in2pb/phdprojects/) selecting Project "ESR1 - Layer-specific dynamics of parieto-motor networks during visually-guided arm reaching behaviour" as first choice (other projects described on the website can be selected as second and third choice). DEADLINE is 15th May 2021 The top-ranked candidates are then going to be interviewed orally and finally selected through a competitive, equal-opportunities procedure. Applying candidates are strongly invited to make a parallel inquiry by writing to us directly, including a CV, the name of two references and any other information that you may wish to share. Demian Battaglia - demian.battaglia@univ-amu.fr Bjorg Kilavik - bjorg.kilavik@univ-amu.fr
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