PhD position: Calcium signalling in the C. elegans brain

PhD position: Using C. elegans and computational modelling to understand the mechanisms governing calcium signalling in the brain A BBSRC-funded PhD position is available at the University of Edinburgh, in a joint project between the Busch lab and the Stefan lab. The project involves studying Calcium signalling in the C. elegans brain, using both experimental methods (genetics, behavioural assays, functional neuronal imaging) and computational modelling. Full funding is available for UK or EU citizens who have been resident in the UK for 3 years prior to commencement. Further details and instructions on how to apply are available here: The application deadline is 4 December 2017. If you wish to discuss the project, contact Emanuel Busch ( or Melanie Stefan ( -- Melanie I Stefan, PhD Edinburgh-Zhejiang Lecturer University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, UK, EH8 9XD
participants (1)
Melanie Stefan