CfP: Computationally Intelligent Methods in Processing and Analysis of Neuronal Big Data at BI 2018, Arlington, Texas, USA.

*[Apologies for cross posting.]* *Call for Paper for Special Session on * *Computationally Intelligent Methods in Processing and Analysis of Neuronal Big Data* *11th Brain Informatics Conference (BI 2018), Arlington, Texas, USA, December 7-9, 2018* *Web: <>* Organizers: *Mufti Mahmud1, M Shamim Kaiser2, Ning Zhong3, Nitish V Thakor4* *1* *Computing and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, NG11 8NS – Nottingham, UK* 2*Institute of Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, 1342 – Dhaka, Bangladesh* 3*Dept. of Life Science and Informatics, Maebashi Institute of Technology, 371-0816 - Maebashi-City, Japan* *4**Singapore Institute for Neurotechnology, National University of Singapore, 117456 – Singapore; & * *Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 21205 – MD, USA* *Introduction:* The brain receives and processes information simultaneously coming from diverse sources. The neurons, being the basic information processing units, interconnect to each other to form hierarchical and/or parallel pathways. Technologies related to neural systems engineering have been employed to study these pathways along with processing and modelling of neuronal data for disease diagnosis and brain decoding purposes. Combining both experimental and computational approaches in recent years, thanks to the advancements in neurotechniques, scientists can access large amount of neuronal data and apply computationally intelligent and nature-inspired machine learning techniques including deep learning and reinforcement learning on those data to suggest next generation experimental design aiming to decipher brain’s information processing capabilities and diagnose its diseases. *Scope:* Developing data-intensive and intelligent tools, as well as sophisticated neurotechniques, to process and analyse the neuronal big data is one of the biggest challenges posed to today’s multidisciplinary brain science community. To share recent progress in decoding neuronal information processing, both in healthy and diseased brain, this special session aims to provide a forum for scientists from diverse disciplines including – computer, electrical, biomedical, and neuro engineering – who are looking for more relevant information in interpreting brain functions and diagnosing diseases using expert and computationally intelligent systems. This special session expects to attract papers on recent research progress in the area of intelligent computational tools and techniques in acquiring and processing neuronal big data. The focus areas include, but not limited to, the following: Ø Neural systems engineering and technology to study neural pathways; Ø Processing and modelling of neuronal data for disease diagnosis and brain decoding; Ø Bio-inspired methods for network analysis and pattern recognition in neural data; Ø Novel machine learning techniques for neuronal big data analysis; Ø Application of deep and reinforcement learning to neuronal big data analysis; Ø Computationally intelligent techniques for neuroscience applications; Ø Neuroinformatics (including cloud computing and real-time systems); Ø Cognitive science applications (learning, workload, decision making, etc.) and data analytics; Ø Computational and imaging methods for human brain connectome; and Ø Information analysis in human brain machine interface (invasive, noninvasive). *Submission of papers:* Submit Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) complaint – 10 page – pdf paper to the Special Session following the steps below: Ø Prepare the paper as per the Springer LNCS template from: Ø Visit Ø Select the link: Special session on Computationally Intelligent Methods in Processing and Analysis of Neuronal Big Data Ø Select the link Submit a New Paper (TYPE I Submission) Ø Provide paper details (i.e., Author(s), Paper Title, Abstract, Keywords, PDF file to upload). *Important dates:* Ø Paper submission deadline: *30 July 2018* Ø Decision notification: *30 August 2018* Ø Special Session date: *7 December 2018* Ø Conference dates: *8-9 December 2018*. -- *Mufti Mahmud, PhD* | (Senior) Lecturer of Computing & Technology <> | School of Science & Technology <> Office: ERD200 | Nottingham Trent University <> | Clifton Campus | NG11 8NS – Nottingham, UK Phone: +44 (0)115 84 83202 | Email: Meeting requests: Senior Member, IEEE <> & ACM <> Associate Editor, IEEE Access <> Editorial Board Member, Cognitive Computation <> & Big Data Analytics <>
participants (1)
Mufti Mahmud