FENS Featured Regional Meeting 2015 - Extended deadlines, preliminary programme and social events

Only few months are left for the FENS Featured Regional Meeting , which will be held at Ioannis Vellidis Congress Center , Thessaloniki , from 7 to 10 October 2015!! Online you can find the analytic preliminary program at http://ffrm2015.com/programme/scientific-programme We would like to remind you that abstract submission deadline and early registration fees apply up to 30th of June! Please visit http://ffrm2015.com to register and submit your abstract online. Also , we would like to bring to your attention that during the congress two social events will take place : - Basketball Tournament(/free of charge/) The three organizing nations share a long history in Basketball, with numerous, unforgettable, exciting games conducted between national and associational teams. The city of Thessaloniki itself has a close relationship with basketball, as it has been largely known as the capital of modern Greek basketball. An indoors basketball tournament will be hosted at the Thessaloniki YMCA court. Students and older students are going to participate in the tournament in mixed teams. Medical support to ...older students will be kindly provided by the Aristotle University Medical School. Interested participants will be (almost) randomly allocated to four teams • Brainiacs • Synaptics • Connectomes • Old timers T-shirts will be provided to the players, who are kindly requested to bring their shoes and shorts. Two initial classification games will take place and the small and big finals will follow. The duration of the games will be 15 min each. The winners will have the opportunity to publish their papers in most international journals, under privileged reviewing processes. The Old timers are supposed to win, provided they make it through the tournament. When registering for the FFRM2015, do not forget to mention you wish to participate to the Basketball Tournament! It’s a no-brainer! *-Food Festival (*40€ per person / 30 € for undergraduate student) A Gastronomy Festival will be held at the area of the port, in a Warehouse at Pier A, an alternative and modern location of the city. The main objective of the event is a search of gastronomic identity of Thessaloniki in combination with Balkan flavors, on which so much is said and written. The street food “festival” will be accompanied by Greek and Balkan sounds from a live band. In case you are interesting to participate in one or both these events, please declare it during your registration online. For those who have already register and they decided to participate, please contact Meeting Secretariat at f.kyritsi@events.gr.
participants (1)
Dimitrios A. Adamos