AE Spring Summit on Open Problems for AI, Shibuya, Tokyo, April 9-11th AIの未解決問題に関する会議

Dear all, We are holding an event in Tokyo in two weeks' time that we think might be of interest to your members. Please pass on the details, below my signoff, to others you might think interested. 2 週間後に東京でイベントを開催する予定ですが、これは貴社の会員の皆様にとって興味深いものになると思います。ご興味がおありそうな方に、私の署名の下に詳細をお伝えください。 Our sincere thanks, Ruaridh and the team ------- Global Summit on Open Problems for AI. Sakura Deeptech, Shibuya Sakura Stage, Tokyo, Japan, 9-11th April 2025. What are the next set of challenges for AI algorithms? What are the open problems in regulation & application? AI技術のこれからの課題は? AIアルゴリズムの開発、倫理、社会実装において世界をリードする専門家が議論します We are most excited to announce the Algorithmic Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Summit on Open Problems for AI <>. Sakura Deeptech, Shibuya Sakura Stage, Tokyo, Japan, 9-11th April 2025. Join world-leading AI researchers, policy makers, and entrepreneurs in this global Summit over three days of keynote talks, panels, and breakout sessions. 基調講演、パネル、分科会セッションで構成される 3 日間にわたるグローバル サミットに、世界をリードする AI 研究者、政策立案者、起業家が参加します。 日本語でライブ文字起こし Day 1 - Algorithms アルゴリズム We ask what the fundamental challenges for developing AI algorithms are, as well as promising avenues for overcoming them. AI アルゴリズムの開発における根本的な課題は何か、またそれを克服するための有望な道筋は何かを尋ねます。 We’ll be hearing from Dr Shane Gu (Google DeepMind), Prof. Taro Toyoizumi (Riken CBS), Prof. Masanori Koyama (University of Tokyo), Dr Kai Arulkumaran (Araya Inc.), Dr Emityaz Khan (Riken AIP), Professor Masanori Koyama (University of Tokyo), Prof. Yunzhe Liu (Beijing Normal University), Dr Jad Tarifi (Integral AI), Kiran Mysore (University of Tokyo UTEC), Dr Jiaxian Guo (Google DeepMind), Dr James Whittington (Stanford & Oxford University & Zyphra), Dr Lucy Lai (Harvard University), Dr Yusuke Iwasawa (University of Tokyo), Dr Sam Passaglia (Cohere) Panel on “Is Scale all we need?” 「スケールだけが必要なのでしょうか?」 Panel on “What is the next big breakthrough in AI?” 「AI における次の大きな進歩は何でしょうか?」 Day 2 - Ethics 倫理と社会 We ask what the fundamental ethical challenges and opportunities are for AI. AIにとって根本的な倫理的課題と機会は何かと問う。 Keynotes: Prof. Yuko Harayam (Tohoku University; GPAI), Prof. Arisa Ema (University of Tokyo & RIKEN CAIP), Prof. Toshie Takahashi (Waseda University), Prof. Yuko Itatsu (University of Tokyo), Dr Colin Rowat (Rakuten, Cambridge), Dr Joe Ledsam (Google Health), Kenny Song (Citadel AI), Kevin Loi-Heng (Avalon AI), Chris Lengerich (Context Fund), Evan Burkosky (Kimaru AI), Tiffany Kayo (Coral Capital) Panel: Micro Ethics - What Can Individual Researchers Do for Ethical AI? 倫理的な AI のために個々の研究者は何ができるでしょうか? Chair: Nicolay Hagen (NTNU) Panel: Meso Ethics - What Can Organizations Do for Ethical AI? 組織は倫理的な AI のために何ができるでしょうか? Chair: Prof. Skyler Wang (McGill) Panel: Macro Ethics - If AI is the answer, what is the question? AIが答えなら、疑問は何でしょうか? Chair: Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday (Harvard & MIT) Day 3 - Applications and entrepreneurship 社会実装 We ask what the fundamental challenges and opportunities are in applications for social good and entrepreneurship. 私たちは、社会貢献と起業家精神への応用における根本的な課題と機会は何かを問います。 Keynotes: Prof. Yukie Nagai (University of Tokyo), Dr Hiroaki Kitano (CTO of Sony Group Corporation), Robert Lange (Sakana AI), Dr Daisuke Okanohara (Preferred Networks), Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday (Harvard & MIT), Dr Aran Komatsuzaki (Eleuther AI), Dr Conglong Li (Google Deepmind), Takahiro Matsumoto (Cisco / Robust Intelligence), Dr Jungo Kasai (Kotoba Tech), Dr Nick McGreivy (Princeton University), Dr Andrew Fyfe (Neutone), Elizabeth Oda (Braid AI), Ilya Kulyatin (Tokyo AI; TAI), Dr Tiago Ramalho (Recursive), Francis Hamilton (Tektome Inc), Dr Qi Chen (Paragraph), Kosuke Arima (Stockmark), Dr Yoshitaka Ushiku (NexaScience) Run in partnership with the Matsuo-Iwasawa Lab, the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, and Tokyo AI (TAI). 松尾・岩澤研究室、人工知能に関するグローバルパートナーシップ、東京 AI と提携して運営されます。 This should be an exciting and productive event, and we expect an audience of 200 of Japan’s best AI researchers and entrepreneurs at student, early-stage, and full career levels. これは刺激的で生産的なイベントになるはずであり、学生、初期段階、フルキャリアレベルの日本最高の AI 研究者や起業家 200 名が参加すると予想しています。 Student tickets: $20 for all three days ¥3000 学生3日間入場 General tickets: $20 per day ¥3000 1日一般入場 Reserve your place now! <> 席を予約してください <> Ruairidh <>, <>Lucy <>, and James <> Thinking About Thinking <> -- Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday BMBCh (Oxon) PhD President Thinking About Thinking, Inc <> Postdoctoral Research Fellow Center for Brain Science, Harvard University Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, MIT
participants (1)
Battleday, Ruairidh