TEX2022: Detailed program and registration for online attendance
8 Jul
8 Jul
1:43 p.m.
Dear all, We are pleased to share the detailed program for "TEX2022: Bringing together Predictive Processes and Statistical Learning": https://indico.sissa.it/event/59/timetable/#20220719.detailed <https://t.co/tgo3hNEOFF> Registration deadline is this Sunday, 10/7. Come join us! And if you cannot join us in person, you can still join us online (and free of charge). To attend online, please register here: https://sissa-it.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0qgRUCodT02MLGmmiQ4tiA Looking forward to meet you all, Yamil Vidal and Davide Crepaldi Dr. Yamil Vidal Predictive Brain Lab Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging - Donders Institute Nijmegen the Netherlands
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Yamil Vidal