[Call for contributed talks] Bernstein Workshop: Understanding Local Third Factors in Synaptic Plasticity

Several slots for short contributed talks are available at the Satellite Workshop *Understanding Local Third Factors in Synaptic Plasticity: Mechanisms and Functional Implications*//at the *Bernstein conference*//(Sunday, Sep 29, Frankfurt, Germany). The workshop will discuss local factors that determine synaptic plasticity beyond pre- and postsynaptic spiking. Examples include the influence of the postsynaptic membrane potential or Glial cells on synaptic plasticity. More information on https://bernstein-network.de/bernstein-conference/program/satellite-workshop... Potential speakers might apply with a short abstract of the planned talk and relevant references if applicable. We especially encourage early stage researchers to contribute their results! To apply, please contact Andreas Schneider (andreas.schneider@ds.mpg.de), Fabian Mikulasch (fabian.mikulasch@ds.mpg.de), or Viola Priesemann (viola.priesemann@ds.mpg.de). Best regards, Andreas Schneider Fabian Mikulasch Viola Priesemann
participants (1)
Fabian Mikulasch