18 postdoctoral positions in computational/data science at the University of Oslo

DSTrain is a 5-year postdoctoral programme launched and managed by the “dScience – Centre for Computational and Data Sciences” at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo (UiO). DSTrain will award 36 postdoctoral fellowship positions within the overarching frame of data science, emphasizing interaction between data science, computational science, natural sciences, and technology. The fellowships will be of 36 months each, announced in two calls over the program period. We now open for applications to the 1st cohort of 18 fellowship positions, that will start their postdoctoral projects autumn 2024 at UiO. Starting date no later than October 1, 2024. Deadline for application: April 14, 2024 For more information, including on how to apply for the job, see https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/255679/dstrain-msca-postdocto... ******************************* Professor Gaute T. Einevoll Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 1432 Aas, Norway; Department of Physics, University of Oslo, 0316 Oslo, Norway theoretical neuroscience podcast: theoreticalneuroscience.no<https://theoreticalneuroscience.no> popular science podcast: vettogvitenskap.no<https://vettogvitenskap.no> popular science podcast (English only): vettogvitenskap.no/senseandscience<https://vettogvitenskap.no/senseandscience> Co-author of "Principles of computational modeling in neuroscience" (2nd ed): www.cambridge.org/sterratt2<http://www.cambridge.org/sterratt2/> mobile: +47-95124536 email: Gaute.Einevoll@nmbu.no<mailto:Gaute.Einevoll@nmbu.no>, Zoom: uio.zoom.us/j/7764062033<https://uio.zoom.us/j/7764062033> twitter: twitter.com/gauteeinevoll<https://twitter.com/gauteeinevoll> “If you sleep in a democracy, you may wake up with a dictator.”
participants (1)
Gaute Einevoll