Postdoctoral Position in Sensory Coding

Postdoctoral Position in Sensory Coding Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Neuroscience Theory Research Group of Dan Butts at the University of Maryland, in suburban Washington DC. Our lab studies how visual perception is constructed across the visual hierarchy, and involves a diversity of projects at the interface of experiment and computation/theory. The postdoctoral position will focus on a collaboration between our lab and that of Bruce Cumming (NIH), studying how neurons that represent the center-of-gaze (fovea) process visual stimuli, which includes accounting for the effects of eye movements. There will also be opportunities to get involved in several other ongoing projects in the lab, as well as in the Cumming lab at NIH (nearby). See our webpage for more information: We are seeking a researcher with a strong quantitative training as well as broad knowledge of neuroscience, ideally with past work studying problems linked with neurophysiology. The position is available starting immediately, and we are reviewing applications as they come. Please email Dan Butts with a CV, a brief description of your relevant education and research experience, and a list of colleagues that are willing to submit a letter of recommendation. [Letters will be requested for applications with the best fit.] For more information, please see our webpage (above), and please feel free to write Dan Butts. -------------------------------- Daniel A. Butts, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Biology and Program in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science University of Maryland, College Park USA
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Daniel A. Butts