Summer School on Neurorehabilitation - September 13-18, 2015

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2015 Summer School on Neurorehabilitation El Saler (Valencia), Spain September 13-18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear colleagues, On behalf of all the organizers it is our pleasure to invite you to the 5th SUMMER SCHOOL ON NEUROREHABILITATION (SSNR2015) that will take place in El Saler (Valencia, Spain) from September 13 to 18 of 2015. SSNR2015 will provide in depth education on advanced procedures for neurorehabilitation of motor dysfunction following stroke, SCI, CP and other neurological conditions, covering practical applications based on neuroprosthetics, robotics interfaces and other combinational and technological approaches. World-class experts in various related disciplines will deliver plenary talks and a set of hands-on workshops will be organized. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Spain September 2015! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Registration - Prospective applicants must fill in the Application Form by May 15, 2015. The admission to the School will be decided upon a selection made by the Steering Committee. Applications received before March 31, 2015 will be given priority. The Steering Committee will select a first group among these early applications. Selected participants will be notified by April 15, 2015 and the registrations must be completed before May 15, 2015. Remaining positions will be allocated among the rest of applications received until May 15, 2015 - Important deadlines - Early Application: March 31, 2015 Early Notification: April 15, 2015 Early Payment: May 15, 2015 Application: May 15, 2015 Notification: June 1, 2015 Payment: July 1, 2015 - Plenary speakers- Metin Akay. University of Houston, USA José Carmena. University of California, Berkeley, USA Gregoire Courtine. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland Volker Dietz. Balgrist University Hospital, Switzerland Bernhard Graimann. Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH, Germany David Guiraud. INRIA research scientist, leader of DEMAR team, France Bin He. University of Minnesota, USA Ilse Jonkers. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Hermano Igo Krebs. Massachusetts Institute of Technology and University of Maryland, USA Silvestro Micera. Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and EPFL Eric Perreault. Northwestern University, USA Dejan Popovic. University of Belgrade, Serbia Zev Rymer. Northwestern University, USA Aiko K. Thompson. Medical University of South Carolina, USA Jonathan Wolpaw. Wadsworth Center. University of New York, USA -Workshops- WS1 - Neural interfaces and Wearable robotics in rehabilitation: a clinical perspective Organizer: Jose L. Pons, CSIC. Co-Organizers: Jose L. Contreras-Vidal, U. Houston, and Gerard E. Francisco, UTHealth WS2 - Muscle synergies: Looking into the CNS Organizer: Diego Torricelli, CSIC WS3 - Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation Organizer: Thierry Keller, Tecnalia Research and Innovation WS4 - (TENTATIVE) Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation Organizer: Belinda Lange, U. Southern California WS5 - Human neuromusculoskeletal modeling Organizers: Massimo Sartori, University Medical Center Goettingen, and Monica Reggiani, University of Padova WS6 - Brain Computer Interfaces: principles and applications in neurorehabilitation Organizer: Arnau Espinosa, Guger Technologies OG WS7 - Operant Conditioning of Spinal Reflexes in Human Subjects Organizers: Aiko Thompson (Medical University of South Carolina) and Jonathan Wolpaw (Univ of New York) For further and up-to-date information, please visit the conference website: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pilar Raya López Neural Rehabilitation Group, Cajal Institute. Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Avda. Doctor Arce, 37. 28002. Madrid
participants (1)
Pilar Raya