Announcing the workshop on cloud-based BCIs at the BCI Conference 2017

Dear all, We are happy to announce to potential attendees of the 7th BCI Conference in September 2017 that Workshop 1 (Cloud-based BCIs: challenges and opportunities of home-use systems for big data collection) is now calling for abstracts about work on BCIs for home use. This workshop is intended to bring together the various subfields of the BCI community to focus on some of the most pressing issues in the field: Robust machine learning with large datasets, low-cost and robust hardware, and applications for use without expert assistance. We are also happy to confirm Dr. Tim Mullen (Qusp Neurotechnologies) and Prof. Brian Murphy (BrainWaveBank) as keynote speakers for our workshop. More information and the workshop schedule can be found here Interested parties are invited to submit a 200-word abstract about the work they would like to present either via the website or to by 4 August. Looking forwards to seeing you in Graz, Vinay Jayaram -- Vinay Jayaram PhD Student Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Spemannstrasse 34, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
participants (1)
Vinay Jayaram