Workshop on "Virtual Brains & Digital Twins" - 02 May 2022 in Paris

** *"Virtual Brains & Digital Twins: a Tentative Roadmap, Neuroethical perspectives"* *An in-person neuroethics workshop in Paris. *Date: 02 May 2022 Place: Inalco - Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, 65 Rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris Info and registration: ** Join us for this in-person workshop co-organized by philosopher Kathinka Evers, and neuroscientists Viktor Jirsa and Alain Destexhe with the support of the European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience. Detailled program: *13:00 – 13:15 *Welcome & short introduction (Kathinka Evers & Maxime Guye) *13:15 – 14:15 Theme 1. Virtual Brains & Digital Twins in Neuroethics & Science* * Moderator: Maxime Guye * *13:15 – 13:30 *Kathinka Evers: Epistemic and Neuroethical Challenges of Virtual Brains & Digital Twins: Why Concepts Matter * *13:30 – 13:45* Viktor Jirsa: On the nature of a digital brain twin: how real is it? * *13:45 – 14:15* Panel discussion with Panel members: Wolf Singer, Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski, Viktor Jirsa, Kathinka Evers *14:15 – 15:15 Theme 2. Neuroethics & Responsible Innovation: Mapping the Issues* * Moderator: Kathinka Evers * *14:15 – 14:30* Arleen Salles: Some ethical issues related to virtual brains and digital twins * *14:30 – 14:45* Manuel Guerrero: Mapping the Neuroethical Issues on Digital Twins in Alzheimer research and treatment * *14:45 – 15:15 *Panel discussion with Panel members: Pawel Swieboda, Florent Gaillard, Manuel Guerrero, Arleen Salles *15:15 – 15:45* Coffee break *15:45 – 16:45 Theme 3. Early career researchers' perspectives on questioning modelling practices: individual and structural perspectives* * *15:45 – 16:00* Three short introductions 1. Mallory Carlu: Why do we build models (and why we should (always) ask this question)? 2. Damien Depannemaecker: How we build and validate models: on the loss of reality and its propagation 3. Lionel Kusch: How do we use models, and who are "we"? Standardisation and popularity of models * *16:00 – 16:40* Questions to the audience (An interactive session during which randomly chosen attendees will address one of the proposed questions about their relationship with modelling.) *16:40 – 16:45* Synthesis *16:45 – 17:00 *Thanks & wrapping up (Viktor Jirsa) *17:00 –18:00 *Apéritif _____ *Zélie Tournoud*/ EITN Communication manager / *European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience (EITN)* UMR 9197 – *NeuroPSI*(Institut des Neurosciences Paris-Saclay) CNRS – Université Paris-Saclay Centre CEA Paris-Saclay Bâtiment 151 91400 Saclay <>
participants (1)
Zélie Tournoud