Call for Applications: ISSA Summer School 2017

Call for Applications: ISSA Summer School 2017 Date: May 22nd – June 2nd, 2017 Venue: Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet), Osaka, Japan The Initiative for a Synthesis in Studies of Awareness, ISSA for short, is a group of scientists advocating an integrative approach to the study of consciousness and intelligence. ISSA will organize a two-week Summer School, with lectures covering a variety of topics in experimental and computational neuroscience, cognitive science, philosophy, complex systems, robotics and artificial intelligence. Following the lectures in the morning, students will engage in group disucussions and hand-on exercises in psychophysics, MRI, MEG, and robotics in the afternoon. First week: Fundamental lecturers and group discussions • Christof Koch (Allen Institute for Brain Science) • Ryota Kanai (ARAYA Brain Imaging, YHouse) • Larissa Albantakis (U Wisconsin-Madison) • Dan Zahavi (U Copenhagen) • Jun Tani (KAIST) Second week: Special topics and hands-on exercises • Kaoru Amano (CiNet) • Minoru Asada (Osaka U) • Kenji Doya (OIST) • Piet Hut (Institute for Advanced Study, ELSI, YHouse) • Hiroshi Ishiguro (Osaka U, ATR) • Shinji Nishimoto (CiNet) • Mariko Osaka (CiNet) • Nao Tsuchiya (Monash U) • Noriko Yamagishi (CiNet) Application: We invite graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to participate in the summer school. Organizers will provide lodging for all accepted students and travel support for selected students. The applications will be open till December 25, 2016 from the web site ( The result of selection, based on the research interest, educational background, and the balance of gender and geographic origins, will be notified by February 2017. Co-Sponsors • Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet) • CREST Artificial Consciousness Project (leader: Ryota Kanai) • CREST Social Neuroscience Project (leader: Masahiko Haruno) • Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI), Tokyo Institute of Technology • KAKENHI Mental Time Project (leader: Shigeru Kitazawa) • KAKENHI Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science Project (leader: Kenji Doya) • Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) • YHouse (leaders: Piet Hut and Ryota Kanai) Web site: Contact: Neural Computation Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology ncus (at) — Yukie Nagai, Ph.D. Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Osaka University Visiting Researcher, Bielefeld University
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Yukie Nagai